Quite a specialist map, but I'd like to see more "niche" maps out there to inspire and use on demand.
I just so happen to have human/insectoid critters as a recurring foe in my game world. The players met them overground and found a tunnel leading down. "That will be the brood chamber", declared the group leader.
They fought their way through an intitial tunnel, and I began laying out these tiles, one-by-one, as they advanced and fought the insect-men. Another PC commented on the leader's correct premonition . . .
<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: These tiles are great size for "fog of war" - usually only showing up to the next corner, if you put them down just as the players advance. Also much more atmospheric than a quick sketch on some plain square paper. It was very quick to take some printouts, cut them and assemble into a believable map.
DISLIKED: Nothing to dislike. However, if it were possible to have more, I would have liked some tunnels without the little cells, and perhaps some more variation with options like "split level" or "joins to other tileset" which you can see in other products by this company.
<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: Nothing to dislike. However, if it were possible to have more, I would have liked some tunnels without the little cells, and perhaps some more variation with options like "split level" or "joins to other tileset" which you can see in other products by this company.
<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Very Good<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br><BR>[THIS REVIEW WAS EDITED]<BR>