I was on the Patreon of the publisher of this product. It was inactive for several months and so I messaged them to find out if they were still providing new content for paying customers. After a month of no answers I cancelled the Patreon, Another month went by before they responded with just 'Check my Update'. This 'informative' update was just an advertisement for a new product they wanted me to throw my money away on. These are people who obviously don't care for their paying customers so I will not be wasting my money on them again. I recommend anyone who pays money here to help out dedicated creators not give money to those who apparently have no appreciation of their clients.
So not only does this product have no actual file to download, but they don't seem to care, ignoring the comments about this. I think this is the only 1 star review I've given on DTRPG but no effort seems given at all.
This is a huge campaign book that takes the characters around the globe and perhaps even to Atlantis itself. Eight missions, each with several acts comprise this saga that details numerous locations as well as story seeds for future adventures after the characters defeat the Nazis (Or after they themselves have been defeated). The adventure itself is over 200 pages long and also includes pregenerated characters for quick gameplay and numerous handout pages for easy printing. Also several spells as well as fantastic Atlanean devices and source material are detailed for future use. This giant book can easily provide a months worth of gaming and perhaps much, much more.
Definitely one of my favorite Achtung! Cthulhu adventures, this begins the characters explorations into the Dreamlands. A very trippy and surreal adventure ensues and the private player hallucination handouts seems especially fun and evocative. As usual the details of the adventure are well thought out, potentially open ended for adventurous DMs and certainly having the option of leading to further sessions.
Another great adventure for the Achtung! Cthulhu line. It gives several possible scenarios for PCs to complete the adventure which includes a battle aboard a zepplin. I always felt that zepplins were one of the iconic symbols of the WWII era and am happy to finally see one included in an Achtung! Cthulhu product.
Fitting squarely in the Conan genre, this adventure pits the PCs against a cult that worships a horror that dwells deep in dungeonous caverns. Including overland, city and underground adventuring, this has something for everyone. A short history of Tizrah, some NPCs and the typical fabulous art round out a story that's well worth the price of admission.
A good one shot adventure that fits in well with the themes of the world of Conan. The PCs will find themselves mixed up in a feud between two warring houses and end up facing off against a subhuman monstrosity. The art is great as always though the adventure seems a bit short. Still, players have a way of stretching out adventures in surprising ways. All in all this adventure is a good one for your Conan game as well as any low magic fantasy RPG.
I've been keeping up with the IDW Year Five comic series and this is suppliment is a great asset to include the classic Star Trek characters and organizations in your game. I especially enjoyed the indepth look into the Tholians as well as the information about Gary Seven, Harry Mudd and some of their associates. All in all it's definitely worth the price as source material alone for any Star Trek enthusiast.
This guide updates the Achtung! Cthulhu rules for the 2d20 system. The rules are easy to understand and there are plenty of in character blurbs to really flesh out the feel of the game. Adversaries' stats from weakest to strongest are presented including several Elder Gods and the artwork is glorious for men and monsters alike.
With numerous groups of enemies and a brief history of the game world, this sourcebook is a must have for anyone running 2d20 Achtung! Cthulhu!
Let me be honest. I'm a sucker for 'Stop an Apocalypse' adventures and this one doesn't dissappoint. At just over a hundred pages, these five adventures form a campaign that takes the players on the open seas and pits them against an evil sorcerer trying to raise an Elder God.
The adventures are fairly interlocked together so it'd be somewhat of a challenge to run them without the other ones. That being said, they mesh together perfectly and really capture the gritty barbaric feel that Conanesque adventures should inspire.
As usual the art is fabulous and the price tag is good for the amount of material presented. Definitely another win for the Modiphius crew.
This corebook does a great job of detailing both the 2d20 system used to play the game as well as the Fallout World the game takes place in. I'm only passingly familiar with the World having never played the video game (Although I have played the board game) and had no issues getting the feel of the Vaults and the Commonwealth as well as the adversaries both human and otherwise.
Various quests and plenty of background are included to give a GM dozens and dozens of gaming ideas to fuel a fertile mind. At the end of the book is included a more detailed adventure. This quest is a murder mystery that gives the players an opportunity to create new characters for a long campaign or have seasoned characters come upon a town during their travels.
As always with Modiphius products the art is top notch and goes far to give readers a visual feel for the game, which further helps GMs new to the world immerse PCs in it. All in all I consider this book well worth the price of admission!
I really enjoyed this Achtung! Cthulhu module as one that's refreshingly different. Instead of getting sent off on a serious misson, the players are just out enjoying a baseball game when evil comes to them. There's also the option of playing a baseball player if you're so inclined and it's a great way to either start a campaign or even introduce new players into the game. There's a nice looking handout advertising the baseball game as well. All in all it's a fun well thought out adventure!
Another short easy to run adventure for the world of Achtung! Cthulhu. The premise gets the characters started right away and the investigation and action are quick paced. The NPCs are clearly described and a page of handouts to print gives the players something tangible to make the session feel even more real. Also included is a printer friendly version of the adventure for those who prefer to run a session with paper instead of computer. All in all, it's a solid addition to the growing list of adventres for this setting.
This 28 page product gets you right into the mission, which is great for any short adventure. It includes some historical background that to me is a must for any real world adventure not based in the current era. The maps and player handouts are good quality images and the story allows for the players to choose their own way while not feelimg railroaded. Although it's a sequel to A Quick Trip to France, you don't need to run that adventure first (Though it's free so why not?) Finally at the end, a few ideas for what might happen once the adventure is over are suggested for those who wish to continue to plot.
For a GM running a Klingon based game, especially with players new to the system, this is a great resource to have on hand. The tasks for each station are broken down in an easily understandable format so every player can quickly decide on their actions without time wasted fumbling through a rulebook. A GMs screen full of useful information is a great aid as well for GMs like me who like their information concise and easy to find.
Also included are helpful maps (One in the original Klingon) as well as a short Klingon centric adventure that isn't just flying around and blowing things up, although as Klingons, you're always welcome to do that too!