Setting Works – Near-Future Rescue Worker – Review
This booklet PDF is 10 pages and 8 of those are content about Rescue Workers with bookmarks. This product is the second of the series called “Settings Works”, a group of PDFs that cover various aspects of Future professions and how to integrate them into your game worlds.
This one covers firefighters, EMTs and Paramedics in some detail, you are introduced to the players with a short story about some of these rescuers that will be continued in the following booklets. The story instantly had me wanting more of it, the writing is excellent.
Next it goes into gear that the rescuers would use on their person and vehicles, then a short synopsis of 3 PC and/or NPC players. Commanders, Drivers and Workers are given a quick treatment, but I would have liked to see a bit more detail here, these could have been expanded upon with a little bit effort, but what is there, will get the Game Master going enough to start a game session or two.
There are some scenarios covered here, but I don't think an entire campaign can be written with just this product. Maybe an alternating sessions between rescue workers and the first FREE offering in this series, “Near-Future Detectives”.
This one is well done and well written I just wanted a bit more out of it, I give it 4 out of 5 stars.