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e-Adventure Tiles: Cave/Dungeon Links
Publisher: SkeletonKey Games
by Shaun A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/09/2004 00:00:00

This 2D Dungeon set is a joiner for the Dungeon and Cave Chamber modules. This is a limiting factor on the usefulness of the set. Once again the artwork is simple with high detail but not too crowded. It fits in very well with the majority of the other sets in the range. There is some really inovative ideas with these nicely presented tiles. Once again they are available in color and black and white. This set will definately help you create a different Dungeon.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
e-Adventure Tiles: Cave/Dungeon Links
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e-Adventure Tiles: Crypt of Blood
Publisher: SkeletonKey Games
by Shaun A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/09/2004 00:00:00

This 2D Dungeon set expands the original set to give a very eerie feel.The blood and crypts skillfully placed around the rooms, give a very distinctive feel. Once again the artwork is simple with high detail but not too crowded. It fits in well with some of the other sets in the range. There is some more inovative ideas with these nicely presented tiles. Once again they are available in color and black and white. This set provides many opportunities for many different settings.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
e-Adventure Tiles: Crypt of Blood
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e-Adventure Tiles: Halls of the Dwarf Lord
Publisher: SkeletonKey Games
by Shaun A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/09/2004 00:00:00

This 2D Dungeon set expands the original set to give a very dwarven feel.The motifs on the floor and detail around the columns give a very distinctive feel. Once again the artwork is simple with high detail but not too crowded. It fits in well with some of the other sets in the range. There is some more inovative ideas with these nicely presented tiles. Once again they are available in color and black and white. This set will definately help you create a Dwarven setting.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
e-Adventure Tiles: Halls of the Dwarf Lord
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e-Adventure Tiles: Dungeons Vol. 2
Publisher: SkeletonKey Games
by Shaun A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/09/2004 00:00:00

This 2D Dungeon set expands the original set in totally different directions. Once again the artwork is simple with high detail but not too crowded. It fits in well with some of the other sets in the range. There is some really inovative ideas with these nicely presented tiles. Once again they are available in color and black and white. This set will definately help you create a puzzling Dungeon.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
e-Adventure Tiles: Dungeons Vol. 2
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e-Adventure Tiles: Dungeons Vol. 1
Publisher: SkeletonKey Games
by Shaun A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/09/2004 00:00:00

This is a nice 2D basic Dungeon set. The artwork is simple with high detail but not too crowded. It is a good starting point for some of the other sets in the range although it has enough variety to game with straight away. There is nothing spectacular, just nicely presented tiles, available in color and black and white. If you don't want the hassles of 3D gaming this is definately the set to get!!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
e-Adventure Tiles: Dungeons Vol. 1
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Big Damn Armies
Publisher: Team Frog
by Shaun A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/26/2004 00:00:00

The Product is good value for money but very limiting with what you can do with it. There is little room for expanding the armies included in the rules. There are some good concepts but I think the product could be improved.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Big Damn Armies
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Publisher: Mad Kaiser Games
by Shaun A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/26/2004 00:00:00

This is an excellent set. You not only get floor tiles galore but crates, doors and other scenic pieces as well. The graphics is high quality with plenty of detail. The only real problem was that there didn't seem to be as much variety as in the other DD sets. However you still get 36 pages of excellent artwork.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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BioNuke Tank Pak
Publisher: Fantasy Cutouts
by Shaun A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/26/2004 00:00:00

This is an excellent model. It goes together very easily and it looks good when complete. The only issue I have is that there are not more models available in the same style and color scheme.

If you want a chunky tank in a heroic style this is definately the model for you.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
BioNuke Tank Pak
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Miner Revolt Skirmish Pack
Publisher: GiantGGames
by Shaun A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/24/2004 00:00:00

My first comment is "Good value for money but where are the colour standups you advertised?". Unfortunately the lack of color does makes my rating lower than it might otherwise have been. However this Skirmish pack really shows what Budget Battlefield is capable of. There is a nice selection of figures, all with their own background that set the scene for the game effectively. The scenery is plentiful and you are literally given everything you will need to play the scenario bar the rules. I did add some scenery from the main rulebook to fill the table a bit more but this grew to be unnecessary as we played the game more. I will say that there is not much longevity in the pack scenario-wise. Like any battle there is only so many times you can play it before you have exhausted all options and tactics. However the figures do lend themselves to other scenarios, and you can print as many as you like.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Miner Revolt Skirmish Pack
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Publisher: Mad Kaiser Games
by Shaun A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/14/2003 00:00:00

This product is very average. If you want a good tile set for gaming, this product is not it. The quality is poor (you CAN use a dot matrix printer)and most of the effect comes from using special colored or textured paper. (Save $5.00 of ink to spend $5.00 more on expensive colored paper.)

However if you do want to save on ink and you have special paper available (that 45 pages of parchment left over from printing your resumes)then this set is very effective.

For the price you can't complain especially as it really does save your ink. It also has a comprehensive variety of tiles including hex and square that is rare with other sets.

The manufacturer is up front with all of the disadvantages so I shouldn't really be this harsh but I have seen a lot better tile sets than these.

If you really want to save ink (or have a good reason for keeping your old dot matrix) I give this product 5 stars. If you want quality tiles, look elsewhere.

Having said that I have just printed out a few sheets to give to my nephew to play soldiers on.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
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Big Damn Robots
Publisher: Team Frog
by Shaun A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/05/2003 00:00:00

Big Damn Robots is a humorous, fun game that includes everything to play except the dice and scenery. Personally I sometimes found the humour to be a bit over the top and unnecessary. This game comes with about 2 pages of comical background and fluff that you may want to ignore. The problem is the mechanics and systems of the game carry on in the same theme. Construction system sizes of ?teeny weeny? & ?jumbo shrimp? and weapons like ?Pop gun? & ?Big Damn Bomb Launcher? make it hard to take the game seriously.

However the game is easy and fun. It comes with card playing pieces, although they are only of the silhouette type, and lots of ideas on how to play the game on the cheap. (Boxes for scenery etc.)

I suppose the important thing is how the game plays and this is where they have been fully successful. There are only a few tables to look up and the rest can be tracked on the Robot sheets. It is detailed enough that you still feel the anxiety as your robots get whittled down to their component pieces and the triumph as you ultimately destroy your opponent?s last Bot. There are also a few scenario ideas to keep the games varied. It is possible also, with a bit of thought (and renaming), to get a serious war-game from the rules, even though it wasn?t designed that way.

If you like funny games with ludicrous names and background I give it 5 stars. If you like serious games with technical or realistic fluff I would say only 3 stars. Either way I found it value for money.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Big Damn Robots
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All-Purpose Miniatures Rules
Publisher: Avalon Game Company
by Shaun A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/03/2003 00:00:00

All-Purpose Miniature Rules I admit I was a bit disappointed with this product when I first read it. The rules seemed more humorous than playable. Troops only had 3 stats and the weapon listings seemed lacking in variety.

Boy was I wrong!!!

Luckily a neighbour wanted to play a game late one Saturday and I did not have any regular miniatures or rule sets available. We put together our RPG miniatures, used the APM Rules to generate the troops and had a good old battle between Fantasy Orcs and Sci-fi Gangers. As humorous as it sounds we both enjoyed the night and marvelled at how well the rules adapted the two genres together into a serious game.

The manual has a cool way of making things even! My Heavy flamer dude wasn't expecting to get hit by a shaman fireball nor have the rock golem disappear into the scenery as he got it in his sights.

On closer inspection there was a lot more to a trooper than his 3 stats, and that goes for the rest as well.

There are 3 scales of combat Skirmish (25-28mm), Mass(15-28mm) and Massive (6mm, 1/300). There are rules for vehicles, robots, creatures and magic/psionics. There are samples of all combatants and a large selection of sample armies that you can use or ignore. Game templates and construction sheets are also included.

It uses a D12 combat system that works well with the construction systems.

I have played about 7 games now, including conventional fantasy, historical and Sci-fi. We will be getting together to play a "Massive combat" space battle between two Star-fleets.

How many rule sets do you know of that can cover all these type of genres?

The rules aren't rigid for those of you who like to tweak your games with Houserules. Although not for everyone I would recommend these rules as a quality, comprehensive gaming system.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
All-Purpose Miniatures Rules
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Battle Cattle 2nd Edition
Publisher: Wingnut Games
by Shaun A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/22/2003 00:00:00

This is a cool game. I won't go into all of the details but just let me say the rules perform very well and prevent you from playing too seriously. A must for those who like gaming for FUN!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Battle Cattle 2nd Edition
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