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Napoleonic Era Virtual Board Game

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Napoleonic Era Virtual Board Game
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Napoleonic Era Virtual Board Game
Publisher: Snakes Enterprises
by Ian W.
Date Added: 09/29/2015 17:16:34

It's ok to have a game be a Vassal module. It's not ok for the game to be so undeveloped.

So, four pages of rules (the PDF has five pages, but the fifth is completely blank). There's not much text on those four either, leaving lots of questions. Let's start with a basic one: what happens in a turn? No idea. There's something about movement, and something about combat, but no turn sequence.

Stacking is perhaps the most complete section, but... "Stacking in any Art of War D10 game is not allowed, unless stacked under a commander." OK, unless it's with a commander, you can't stack. "Otherwise each square can hold 4 tokens." Otherwise?!? You can't stack unless you're with a commander... and if you're not you can stack four things?!? How many can you stack with one? "A commanders stack only counts as one out of the 4 spaces available in the square." So, you can have as many as you like, but only four commanders? etc etc etc.

Utterly unfit for purpose and for purchase.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Hello, First off I would like to apologize for your experience with my product. Second I did not think much of a turn sequence being a gamer for most of my life. However I did add a turn sequence section to the rule set. Third I wanted a stream lined rule set that is easy to learn and remember. While also keeping the game from being overly simple. I still believe that is what I created. The stacking you mention is that a square can hold four tokens unstacked. As in four individuals or units. The commanders command limit allows them to have direct control of those units so they can have stacks. Up to the four commanders and their stacks can occupy the same square. I apologize again for your experience but hopefully seeing that I do care and did take the steps of correction you found unsatisfactory, maybe you will give it another try. Either way hopefully you understand my goals more so now. Again my deepest apologies. Thank You, Michael Lewis Snakes Enterprises
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