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WSS001: Star Gods Help Us $2.99
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WSS001: Star Gods Help Us
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WSS001: Star Gods Help Us
Publisher: Small Niche Games
by Jeff R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/28/2015 12:52:29

Every gaming group has the player who's never satisfied with the core classes. You know the player that has to be different. This book is for them, and to save the GM from trying to shoehorn that player into playing something that they don’t want to play. Star Gods Help Us is a POP cultured filled collection of new classes for that one player who just has to be different. It contains twelve (12) quirky race/class combinations including giant cockroach junkers, spiritual mammoths, living oozes, malfunctioning lawbots, zombie crewmen, and other bizarre creatures that will leave you shaking your head. Here is a list of what mattered to me as a player and a GM, especially if you are new to White Star. • Clocking in at $2.99 it’s a steal. Price 5/5 • Each of the 12 race/classes has art work that gives you an idea of the race’s looks 5/5 • Format for the class entries includes roleplaying tips and a typical Quote of the race. 5/5 • No Glaring typos or format errors 5/5 (please note I’m not a grammar specialist). • Reference to pop culture that will make you laugh 5/5

This is a good humorous add on for your White Star rpg. The only thing that I thought was missing was the race/class combos for Dogs, Cats, Monkeys and Toads. I did get a free copy for review, however it was on my buy list anyways because I am one of those players and GMs that like the chance to be silly and goofy.

At a 5/5 and $2.99 price go buy it.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
WSS001: Star Gods Help Us
Publisher: Small Niche Games
by Joe J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/21/2015 12:25:11

Observers of pop culture from the 60s, 70s and 80s should recognize the inspiration for the twelve new classes contained within. Some of these go together thematically very well, like the zombie-like Zeddines and the butler like Gurches. For those players less concerned with achieving missions and more interested in silliness, a party of Radiobuddies, Gloops and Giltors will have trouble just getting organized to leave their own ship.

This collection strongly evokes a lot of the sci-fi silliness found in abundance within the pages of Dragon magazine and TSR's early catalog. The content and illustrations within this supplement are pitch-perfect. At $2.99, the PDF is a non-brainer.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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