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WSS002: Gray Nebula: Crewmen, Con-Men, and Lawmen $1.99
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WSS002: Gray Nebula: Crewmen, Con-Men, and Lawmen
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WSS002: Gray Nebula: Crewmen, Con-Men, and Lawmen
Publisher: Small Niche Games
by Jeff R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/28/2015 15:27:32

REVIEW At 21 pages and a price $1.99 it is a good deal for three new classes. It is a must buy for the GM who the problem of Real Life getting in the way of gaming, which is most of us. To have classes that can be used for the campaign and fully statted NPCs with adventure hooks not only for the GM on a time budget but a good buy for the last minute game session ideas.

5/5 for saving the busy gamer some time and for helping out the GM fleshing out his or her game.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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