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For Gold & Glory
Publisher: God Emperor Games
by Odin [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/07/2024 12:52:02

Excelente livro. Uma das poucas críticas (válidas) que o AD&D recebera foi o fato da organização do livro não ter sido bem planejada. Você precisava, por exemplo, olhar em três locais diferentes para identificar o THAC0, resistências, habilidades e evolução de cada classe.

For Gold & Glory consegue remediar isso, mantendo o clima clássico de aventura medieval que D&D jamais deveria ter perdido.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
For Gold & Glory
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Túmulos & Tigres - Versão de Testes: 1.03
Publisher: Night Below Game Studio
by Odin [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/05/2024 14:05:44

Há anos os mais velhos de nós, que acompanharam Dungeons and Dragons desde as décadas de 80 e 90, discutimos que o jogo perdeu sua essência nos últimos vinte anos, e tal perda de identidade e distorção de valores se intensificou brutalmente nos últimos quatro anos. Tanto que as perspectivas para a nova edição de 2024 são bastante pessimistas, mesmo para aqueles que continuam jogando D&D 5e apesar de todos os atos nefastos dos Bruxos da costa.

No entanto, mesmo nesse cenário desolador, bons homens e mulheres escolhem não cruzar os braços e tentar criar algo “novo”, mas que honre e represente o legado e tradições do passado. As equipes de Castles & Drusades e Old Dragon se destacam nesses nobres atos, e enquanto permanecerem nesse caminho, terão meu incondicional apoio e respeito. Entretanto, com grande surpresa, notei que mais um valoroso grupo de heróis dessas terras se juntou a batalha para trazer de volta o espírito de D&D.

Recentemente, o brasileiro Giltonio Santos e sua equipe de jogo criaram uma espécie de “AD&D Contemporâneo”, sob a alcunha de Túmulos & Tigres. O jogo está em fase de desenvolvimento, mas há um material completo e infinitamente melhor produzido do que os playstests dos infames Daggerheart RPG e Tales of the Valiant. O livro básico de playtest de Túmulos & Tigres conta com quatro classes disponíveis, cinco raças (sim, RAÇAS), regras de jogo e bestiário disponíveis para download no modelo “Pay What You Want”.

Trata-se de um trabalho ainda em finalização, mas que mostra esmero e um verdadeiro desejo de se resgatar o que foi perdido. As regras são claras, funcionam bem e a arte (produzida sabiamente por Inteligência Artificial bem orientada, já que estamos lidando com um projeto sem grandes fundos) é espetacular, e de longe, muito superior a qualquer coisa que a WotC tenha trazido nos últimos anos. E apesar do fato de que nem todas as inovações adotadas são do meu agrado pessoal, é inegável que funcionam, e que o livro carrega em si a essência do AD&D, assim como se propõe.

Recomendo fortemente que conheçam esse nobre trabalho e apoiem a iniciativa.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Túmulos & Tigres - Versão de Testes: 1.03
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The Lord of the Rings™ Roleplaying – Shire™ Adventures
Publisher: Free League Publishing
by Odin W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/23/2023 12:59:33

Excellent book, especially if you like Hobbits. Great art and writting, like the previous ones. It even brings a short adventure and some very interesting pre-made hobbit characters.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Lord of the Rings™ Roleplaying – Shire™ Adventures
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The Lord of the Rings™ Roleplaying 5E Loremaster's Screen & Rivendell Compendium
Publisher: Free League Publishing
by Odin W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/23/2023 12:57:32

Very beautiful and informative. The artwork is gorgeous, and the Rivendell Compendium was a very pleasant surprise. It brings not only the high elves as culture/race, but even the sheet of Glorfindel, one of the most powerful elven warriors that has ever lived.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Lord of the Rings™ Roleplaying 5E Loremaster's Screen & Rivendell Compendium
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The Lord of the Rings™ Roleplaying
Publisher: Free League Publishing
by Odin W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/23/2023 12:55:30

I am a longtime fan of Tolkien, and play D&D for 25 years. I have followed closely all projects made in the last 3 decades regarding Lord of the rings adaptations for Dungeons & Dragons, and I can say that this one is, by far, the best ever made. Even tough Lord of the rings inspired a great part of D&D bases, the game has moved further and further from its original concepts and from Tolkien’s works. AD&D was a game about noble adventurers venturing to fight evil, but D&D 5e is more of a “superheroes” game that resemble very little of the adventuring party that we used to know and love; characters were too powerful, magic was made completely mundane (every class has access to it). Recovering from injuries is easier in D&D than in videogames and every character at high levels could take even Morgoth down. On could ask how would be possible to adapt a game like this to the mythology and beauty of Tolkien’s works. But Free League did it, and in a very competent way. The character classes are interesting and very balanced (something that does not happen in D&D 5e) and represent perfectly the essence of adventuring in Middle-earth. The magic is subtle and hard to get, but powerful in the right way; you won’t be able to build a Gandalf, but can still create a very interesting conjurer and magi user. The classes go only up to level 10, which makes complete sense considering we are adventuring in the lands where Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Frodo and so many more have ventured. Adventurers can be powerful and competent, but they are not superheroes. The “magical recovery through rests” of D&D 5e has no place here. Traveling is something important, and you constantly have to face and resist the influences of the Dark Lord. The word is a beautiful, but dangerous place, and you are a noble adventurer, doing your best to halt the advancing of darkness and fight so others may live in peace. This book is everything D&D should be. As a D&D old fan and an unconditional admire of Tolkien, I cannot recommend this book enough. This is the best D&D AND Tolkien RPG book that we had in so many years. The book is very well organized, the artwork is fitting and magnificent. If you love D&D (what it was, at least) and Tolkien, buy this book. You won’t regret it.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Lord of the Rings™ Roleplaying
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