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Roads of Apocalypse (3rd ed.) — Legendary set 2: Trolls family modkit Pay What You Want
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Roads of Apocalypse (3rd ed.) — Legendary set 2: Trolls family modkit
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Roads of Apocalypse (3rd ed.) — Legendary set 2: Trolls family modkit
Publisher: Distrigillator
by Robert N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/24/2019 11:33:07

An excellent set of paper miniatures from Distrigillator! I really like that the trolls don't look like typical trolls in Dungeons and Dragons. Although I use the common variety, I like to use different versions of monsters to surprise my players and make the monsters more mysterious (as suggested by Dungeon Crawl Classics). The mutation options also help to make the monsters unique.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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