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Traveller Core Rulebook Beta Playtest
Publisher: Mongoose
by Danny S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/24/2015 23:44:37

This is a beta version, so this review is more about the potential. The rules of classic traveller are here amended and updated. Career paths are unified and enhanced for playability. Mechanics cover the use of skills more effectively. Some features such as ship design, robots and "technology makers" are moved out of the core. Less emphasis on planetary biosphere creation as well. Structures are present for campaign styles such as trade based, military and exploration based campaigns. Background used in the core rules is "Third Imperium" but only as needed to give a rule some context. Action rules are soundly rationalised. The bane and boon mechanism, a la advantage/disadvantage from D&D and Call of Cthulhu, doesn't seem properly utilised and seems somewhat skewed in a 2d6 based system.

The play test forum that you get automatic access to is fairly active. Much of the rules has stabilised but some parts such as post creation skill development are in flux. I find there is still a tendency to think about digital technology in 1990s terms.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Traveller Core Rulebook Beta Playtest
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