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G234 German Army OOB Operation Barbarossa (4) Army Group South support units, June-July 1941 $1.83
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G234 German Army OOB Operation Barbarossa (4) Army Group South support units, June-July 1941
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G234 German Army OOB Operation Barbarossa (4) Army Group South support units, June-July 1941
Publisher: MicroMark Army Lists
by David T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/25/2021 12:28:54

A listing of the support units attached to AG South during Barbarossa in some cases (2 company, 46th Light Flak Btn & 9th Motorised Machine Gun Btn) broken down to platoon level.

It would have been nice to haave the same level of detail for the other units eg 303rd SS Police Cycle Btn.

However given the low cost I am satisfied with the value for money.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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