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Dungeon Crawl Unlimited: Core Rules $3.99
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Dungeon Crawl Unlimited: Core Rules
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Dungeon Crawl Unlimited: Core Rules
Publisher: James Matt Cox
by A customer [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/15/2016 21:11:11

Generally a first rate system. Excellent mapping segments to mix and match. The magic spell system is a wonderful idea, that I really like, that lets you make up your own spells. However, it is confusingly written on how you do it. it is described as just putting words together. But them the mechanics is so abbreviation encrusted and convoluted it is hard to actually do.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Hey, thanks for your review! I very much appreciate the kind words and I appreciate the feedback even more! I tried to make the spell-creation as clear as possible and I\'m sorry it wasn\'t. I will certainly work on improving it for the next edition. In the mean time, I\'ll also prepare some examples and clarifications. Those will come out either by themselves in a (free) document or as an appendix to a (free) supplement. Thanks again for taking the time to write! -matt James Matt Cox
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