Whilst the artwork is to Okum Arts normal high standard, a number of the "opponets" minis are nor based correctly. Would be five out of five otherwise.
[3 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Hi Phil,
I appreciate the feedback. I'm not sure how the basing of the opponents is incorrect. Please let me know what you need.
Another great set. Lots of monsters, undead, skeletons, mummy, ghouls. Even a gelatinous cube. Evil temple hallws & walls filled with dark idols and littered with bones. Fun stuff.
MORE!!!!!! We want more!!!!!
Love this new fold plat dungeon system!! Quick and easy to make up in just a few hours, this set gives you not only cool looking dungeon crawl rooms, but a quest/encounter with awesome looking cardstock minis to boot!! I am really liking this Darkfast stuff. Keep 'em coming Mr. Okum!!