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Dungeoncraft Spelljammer Designers Pack
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Katriel P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/16/2023 21:23:42

This is the first time in a designers pack where accessibility information on what we can and cannot modify, or how we can/cannot modify the pack and the template, were all mentioned. I'm really glad for that guidance, at least as it was in the updated version.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Dungeoncraft Spelljammer Designers Pack
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Riddle of the Raven Queen
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Katriel P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/03/2021 08:39:42

This is a LONG module as written, even though there are breaks 'built in' to allow for breaks, snacks, etc. I really enjoyed playing this module and I love the exploration of the Shadowfell featured here; it is rare that we get a chance within Adventurers League play to explore some of the lore of the other planes, and having the Shadowfell feature - with some of the other mechanics in this mod - makes this module a must for people who enjoy roleplaying and what their character might do. Also it helped play off certain playable species: if you were playing a shadar-kai or an eladrin, if you were playing certain classes (such as hexblade warlocks or grave domain clerics), this was an even more interesting module that you could work in the lore, the exploration, the atmosphere.

I hope we see more of these modules.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Riddle of the Raven Queen
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CCC-GHC-BK1-07 The Peculiar Case of the Selptan Felines
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Katriel P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/07/2019 17:18:08

One of my favorite Adventurers League modules to run hands down!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-GHC-BK1-07 The Peculiar Case of the Selptan Felines
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Fate Accessibility Toolkit
Publisher: Evil Hat Productions
by Katriel P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/03/2019 17:20:54

It seems like every week (at least) I see, in various systems and forums, someone going "a player wants to play a Deaf character, but wouldn't they then have difficulty communicating to the party/ wouldn't they then be immune to silence spells etc" or wanting to play blind characters but "then how would they notice enemies" or discussing a player who wants a character with mutism, etc... and almost always, these conversations are from people who have no knowledge of how these conditions actually can go, leading to not only system modeling questions (or the dreaded "but it'd be unrealistic" in a game that might have dragons in it...) , but also ignorance of how people with these conditions go about their lives. We play too, we live too, and disability is not an off/on switch.

I work in accessibility and AM disabled. And I have been waiting for this book since Evil Hat announced it, and the people who worked on this have disabilities of their own. This is not only an amazing resource to make characters and help people who don't have a clue about disabilities try to understand that process, but also to be inclusive and respectful of people who do have disabilities at the same time - who want to see ourselves represented also.

Thank you, Evil Hat. And thank you to everyone who worked on this book.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Fate Accessibility Toolkit
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Sunstone Volume 1
Publisher: Top Cow
by Katriel P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/24/2019 15:47:16

At its heart, this comic is a story about adults and relationships and finding people who care about you - and whom you care about in return. Yes, there's bondage and there's fetishwear and frank sex, but it's presented as a blend of titillation and consent - the characters are not objectified unless they want to be, in-story. They have hobbies like reading. They have desires but they also have complicated relationships and pasts. Sometimes the sex intersects with those things (such as it's clear Ally has a history with Alan from the first volume on, and it is at times awkward and the panels do a great job in accenting emotions and facial expressions, little motions we all tend to do, so it doesn't end up as "telling us" they're friends, we see it in the text and in the mannerisms depicted). Sometimes the sex doesn't. And I think, at its heart, whether a reader is into BDSM or not - there's something any adult can find relatable in this series.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Sunstone Volume 1
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Vampire 20th Anniversary Edition: The Dark Ages
Publisher: Onyx Path Publishing
by Katriel P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/12/2019 14:50:48

I liked the PDF so much of this, I bought the deluxe hardcover edition later. I was in a game that took place in the 1100s and went on to modern day, and having a lot of the lore and continuity here helped me (even though we ended up homebrewing a lot of it as this book hadn't been available at the time we started). The adjustments to koldunic sorcery are also local, enabling Storytellers to create their own kraina should their games need them, and the flavor of the nights and descriptions of hold of fear in the medieval era are amazing.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Vampire 20th Anniversary Edition: The Dark Ages
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These Mean Streets
Publisher: White Wolf
by A customer [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/21/2018 18:58:16

Extremely well put together book to help with LARP games (Mind's Eye Theater), returning play to the scope of a few blocks or a city with the idea that drama of reconciling who you were with what you are, or the drama of trying to live an authentic life in a noir world of conspiracies and cloaks of respectability, can be just as grand as world-spanning tales of blood sorceries.

Needed another editing pass, admittedly, but the book is slick. Fonts are quite readable, structure of the book is to the point and a Storyteller or LARP participant or runner can easily find what they need for planning their game. But I'm a noir fan to begin with and the blend of reminding players about the noir and punk possibilities inherent in Vampire the Masquerade works well.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
These Mean Streets
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V20 Lore of the Bloodlines
Publisher: Onyx Path Publishing
by A customer [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/11/2017 00:38:21

I bought this interested in expanding my own ST library / V20 array of items, and partly to see what V20 did with bloodlines like the Baali or Kiasyd (I wish bloodlines like the Noiad might be options, but those can be fairly easily house ruled).

In that, this book did not disappoint. For fans of the earlier lore, there are plenty of references to help Vampire players get into V20 like a pair of favorite jeans.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
V20 Lore of the Bloodlines
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