At its heart, this comic is a story about adults and relationships and finding people who care about you - and whom you care about in return. Yes, there's bondage and there's fetishwear and frank sex, but it's presented as a blend of titillation and consent - the characters are not objectified unless they want to be, in-story. They have hobbies like reading. They have desires but they also have complicated relationships and pasts. Sometimes the sex intersects with those things (such as it's clear Ally has a history with Alan from the first volume on, and it is at times awkward and the panels do a great job in accenting emotions and facial expressions, little motions we all tend to do, so it doesn't end up as "telling us" they're friends, we see it in the text and in the mannerisms depicted). Sometimes the sex doesn't. And I think, at its heart, whether a reader is into BDSM or not - there's something any adult can find relatable in this series.