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Worldbuilder Deluxe Battlemap Creation Pack
Publisher: Nicky G
by Kevin D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/26/2020 07:25:03

I bought this some time ago and could not unzip them easily due the long file names used, I assume it was some tagging system, but it means Windows will have hard time unzipping these files if the path is too long.

I got around it using Powershell then I forgot all about them, until I was notified that another customer was put off by my message, this made me actually look at the files and they are better than anything I can do, but to be honest there is a lot better stuff available for the same price.

The Wordmaps are the same graphics with harsh colour overlays to make the martian map red and the ocean map blue, but other than that they are almost identical.

In addition you can see the seems where two images have been joined togther on quite a few of the maps.

There is some nice art assets in here but they are basically the same graphics colorised (to strongly) to try and make them look different.

It's a shame the creator obviously went to a lot of trouble to create the artwork, but the end effect is too jarring...

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Worldbuilder Deluxe Battlemap Creation Pack
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Creator Reply:
Everything I have available on drivethru were original made available through another platform which required the file names to include keyword tags for searches. Initially I didn't think much of the problems one could run into with stupidly long filenames but as many reviewers have made clear, its something I will now prioritize fixing on all my drivethru packs. As for quality, there certainly are a number of amateurish issues with this set in particular which are not easily fixable, and going forward it will be pay what you want. I appreciate the review, and apologize for the disappointment.
Old West Train Station Map Set
Publisher: Gamer Printshop
by Kevin D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/12/2018 01:41:16

I read the review that stated that the horse and track were 20+ feet long, the creator posted that he had fixed this.

That might be the case but assuming 5' squares the horse is still 25' long!

It's a shame I kickstarted the 25 maps books and was impressed by that so made the mistake of buying this based on the quality of the book and the fact that the issue with this product had been resolved!

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Old West Train Station Map Set
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Publisher: Pinnacle Entertainment
by Kevin D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/23/2012 03:02:48

Rippers, my second favourite Savage Worlds setting (after Deadlands), this is the original version only available in PDF (unless you are very lucky), the long hoped for Explorer's Edition has yet to arrive.

The premise is simple take your favourite Victorian horror stories - Dracula, Frankenstein, Dr Jeykyll and Mr Hyde add some historical events with a twist - Jack the Ripper, create a party of extraordinary gentlemen (and ladies) who have been hired by Van Helsing to fight the evil and then add the option to allow the good guys to "rip" abilities from the monsters they fight and add them to themselves.

The concept of Rippertech is the best part of this game, by adding Werewolf claws for example your character's hand-to-hand capabilities are increased but at the cost of your very humanity, add too much Rippertech and your character may well become a monster the rest of the party have to put down!

The campaign rules include running your own lodge which means you have to find funding and recruits, and a mechanism to send your NPCs out to find the evil on their own missions to help "Hold back the night"

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Well Met in Kith’takharos (Savage Worlds Fantasy Grounds II Adventure Module + PDF)
Publisher: White Haired Man
by Kevin D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/11/2009 03:31:33

A well written adventure... I have now bought all the Savage Worlds products White Haired Man has made, based on the quality of this first adventure (and I am not disappointed by them either!)

I bought this (along with the setting module), to help me run my first Fantasy Savage Worlds Campaign, I have run modern/pulp and sci-fi without problems, but how to stage fantasy for some reason was a little daunting.

This adventure written for Novice Characters was a perfect start (my group started with 0 XP)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Well Met in Kith’takharos (Savage Worlds Fantasy Grounds II Adventure Module + PDF)
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The Missing Harvesters (Savage Worlds Fantasy Grounds II Adventure Module + PDF)
Publisher: White Haired Man
by Kevin D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/02/2009 03:32:30

I would like to update my review for this product to say that any company that in less than 4 hours of posting a review fixes the issue deserves 5 stars!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Missing Harvesters (Savage Worlds Fantasy Grounds II Adventure Module + PDF)
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The Missing Harvesters (Savage Worlds Fantasy Grounds II Adventure Module + PDF)
Publisher: White Haired Man
by Kevin D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/01/2009 13:10:29

Having just finished playing Well Met in Kithtakharos, I was looking forward to running through the second adventure.

It is again well written and the fact I do not have to port it to FGII a god-send, BUT the tokens are missing!

The page in RPG states that the file size is 15mb but the download is 9.9 (so I suspect the wrong version is downloaded)

That said it is fine although now I'll have to trawl through numerous sites trying to fond some icons before the game starts in 45 mins...

That said this has not stoppped me buying the Nine Towers!

Keep up the good work.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
I sent you an email with updated module that includes the tokens earlier tonight. Thanks for the encouragement and for letting us know how we might improve White Haired Man products.
Fantasy Grounds - Full License
Publisher: SmiteWorks
by Kevin D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/22/2006 00:00:00

Where to start with this wonderful product?

This allowed me to continue roleplaying when one of our players moved to New Zealand!

The software recreates very well the feeling of sitting around a table and playing.

The ruleset is written in XML and with a little bit of time and inspection you can easily create any RPG and play it with this software.

Add to the fact that Smite Works coninue to support this software updating and bug fixing. In fact the next version 1.06 looks to completely redefine what this software will let you do!

In short, if you want to roleplay accross the internet... BUY IT.<br><br> <b>LIKED</b>: Everyting!

The mapping has proved brillant when exploring the sewers under post apocalyptic New York city, the masking is easy to use, and really add to the atmosphere, when the players are crawling evading mutants etc.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: There is no way to save the maps with tokens in place, so if you end a session mid map you have to remember where the tokens were at the next session.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Fantasy Grounds - Full License
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