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Final Days miniatures game rulebook
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Final Days miniatures game rulebook
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Final Days miniatures game rulebook
Publisher: Kenzer & Company
by Ricardo N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/23/2011 21:10:45

From my first read of the book, the game didn't look promising: "i go, you go" mechanic, card-based (which seemed to make solo play more difficult due to hidden information) bookkeeping for wounds, ammunition and other effects.

Then I played a solo test match based on the first scenario and was pleasantly surprised. The game flows quickly -- it was over in less than 30 minutes, and that was my first play after one read of the rules. Much of the bookkeeping can be simplified once you notice that many characters are built simple. Playing solo is possible -- just try to make the best use of all cards that are drawn.

The book has well-written, clear text that includes an index (always good, even if the page count isn't that high.) A quick reference sheet would have been useful too. The grayscale illustrations are nice and match the theme; the scenario flats that are provided are also good. I only wish they had included some counters for the characters too.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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