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Image Portfolio Platinum Free Edition: Storn Cook
Publisher: LPJ Design
by Michael T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/14/2012 09:40:18

Three free images from Storn Cook? This product is worth it for the regular price of the Image Portfolio Platinum series!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Image Portfolio Platinum Free Edition: Storn Cook
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Image Portfolio Platinum Edition 05: Storn Cook
Publisher: LPJ Design
by Michael T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/14/2012 09:37:19

This is some really beautiful artwork from Storn Cook, and at $10 you cannot go wrong. THe biggest downside is in the password protection on the product which prevent me from moving it directly into a layout program. Why is it there if the usage license says I'm free to use these images? This holds me back from giving this 5 stars, not the art itself.

Pros: Amazing artwork at a fantastic price Cons: password protection on the document

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Image Portfolio Platinum Edition 05: Storn Cook
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Publisher: Dilly Green Bean Games
by Michael T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/13/2012 15:10:30

For the small price of G-Core you get a lot of bang for your buck. I'm an old Marvel Superheroes FASERIP system player and GM, so I was really happy to see DGBG come out with this nice rules-lite system. It really is true that you can convert the old FASERIP characters to G-Core in a couple of minutes. That means all of my old information can be converted over very quickly.

There are a few minor editorial fixes that could go in here but that is a minor gripe. DGBG has been supporting the hell out of this product with add-ons and has been very responsive to customer requests, so if you don't see something there that you'd like to add, give the company a few weeks. :-)

Overall I am very happy with this product.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Villains and Vigilantes 2.1
Publisher: Monkey House Games
by Michael T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/02/2010 09:45:13

Congrats to Monkey House for getting the rights to redistribute Villains & Vigilantes, and a re-edited version with new Jeff Dee art to boot! This and Marvel Super-Heroes are my two favorite supers RPGs, V&V being the first and most fun.

Good things: Great new artwork from Jeff Dee, and a new edit of the rules. Overall a very nice book.

Bad things: No bookmarks and copy/edit is turned off. The latter keeps me from giving this 5 stars. Why would you do this? I can't stand putting restrictions like this on something I've purchased.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Villains and Vigilantes 2.1
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Creator Reply:
You'll be happy to know that copy/past has been re-enabled. Feel free to update your review ;-) -Jeff Dee Monkey House Games
Midnight Chronicles Package
Publisher: Fantasy Flight Games
by Michael T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/15/2009 20:25:45

For $14.95 this is one hell of a good package. First and foremost, you get a feature-length movie with great production values. Second, you get the core rulebook for the Midnight campaign setting, which at 400+ pages would have been a huge value at the price by itself. You also get the movie scripts and a free adventure module set in the town in which the movie is based. Wonderfully good value.

The movie: The film is really a long pilot for what I hope will become a tv series; the SyFy channel would go great with this. If youare not familiar with midnight you get a brief rundown in the film; thousands of years ago the god of evil was cast out of heaven onto the world of Aryth, but in so doing a Veil was raised that prevented the gods from interfering with the world in any way...but also cut off the dark god Izrador and everyone else on Aryth from leaving the world in any way, including through death. Three times Izrador rose up against the people of Aryth, and the third time he won the battle. It has been 100 years of a world in Shadow.

Though the plot is really about the rise of two diametrically opposed heroes -- one for good and one for evil -- most of the movies focus goes to the evil legate Mag Kiln. And it's great that it does, but it's one of the few movies that really shows things from the bad guy's perspective. Charles Hubbell is excellent as the dark priest destined for great power. His companion Kruce is an interesting and likeable character,despite being on Team Evil. Chuzara the young legate that goes to Blackweir with Mag Kiln is OK as a character, but she makes up for it in good looks. ;)

Anyone familiar with the campaign setting with enjoy all of the references to the gaming world. Being that the movie is made by the company that created the game system maybe that's obvious but worth pointing out. I just wish we had the chance to see more of the orcs and some of the Fell in action. There isn't a lot of combat or flashy magic in use, possibly because of budget constraints, but what we do see looks good.

Midnight 2nd Edition Core Rules: Midnight has become my favorite campaign setting over the years, to the point I've made the definite SRD for it ( Having this massive volume in PDF at a more-than-reasonable price is fantastic. Only down side is that at over 400 pages it really should have bookmarks.

The scripts are, well, scripts. I don't usually pay much attention to such things, but if you like that sort of thing it's all there for you.

The adventure: From a marketing standpoint, it was a pretty good idea to release the adventure in D&D 4E format. This allows curious gamers who enjoy 4E an opportunity to see what playing in the Midnight world is like. From a Midnight gamer's standpoint, it's a horrible slap in the face. FFG published one campaign adventure for Midnight, Crown of Shadows, but it was made for the 1st edition of the game (3.0 rules). They never released another adventure until now, and while it's great to have another one, it's ridiculous to me that they provide a 4e module for a game written for 3.5, even going so far as to include the 3.5 campaign core rules which are useless in playing the adventure! If this is a sign that FFG is planning on re-releasing Midnight for 4E I am disappointed, as I am not a fan of the system. I would much rather see them move into Pathfinder.

However, overall the Midnight Package is still a phenomenally good value. Excellent movie and great game!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Midnight Chronicles Package
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Cyberpunk The Second Edition, Version 2.01
Publisher: R. Talsorian Games Inc.
by Michael T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/10/2009 16:43:41

Still my favorite game for the cyberpunk genre. Although there are a few gaffes (faxing is the communication mode of the future!), there's a lot of predictions that have come true or are well on their way to becoming true. Mike Pndsmith really hit paydirt with this fantastic system.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Cyberpunk The Second Edition, Version 2.01
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Antique Maps VII - Sweden of the 1600's
Publisher: Split Eye Productions
by Michael T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/14/2005 00:00:00

Beautiful map! I was able to zoom in very close for detailed views of specific regions without loss of quality. A fantastic job.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Antique Maps VII - Sweden of the 1600's
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Cartoon Action Hour
Publisher: Spectrum Games
by Michael T.
Date Added: 11/11/2004 17:44:12

I think CAH is a great game for playing CARTOON action adventures. The system is fast and easy to learn, and there is a wealth of campaign ideas and adventure seeds provided in the book. Artwork was sometimes uneven, but overall it had the 80's cartoon feel to all of it. Lots of fun to play, and at $12.50 it's a great buy!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Cartoon Action Hour
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Dragonstar: Starfarer's Handbook
Publisher: EDGE Studio
by Michael T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/14/2004 14:58:24

The Dragonstar campaign is easily one of my favorite settings of all time. The main rules use the D20 3.0 rules set but are quite easy to convert over to 3.5. All of the core races from the PH are available, plus several new additions: Drow, Orcs, Half-Dragons, and Soulmechs. The standard classes are all there as well, plus new classes the Pilot and Mechanist.

Bringing D&D into space has been handled smoothly and easily, and the game opens up worlds of possibilities for the DM and players. I highly recommend picking up this and the Guide to the Galaxy.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Dragonstar: Starfarer's Handbook
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