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Gamers Helping Haiti $20 Donation with Coupon
Publisher: Roll20
by chuck s. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/31/2010 09:59:19

WOW!! Not only is my $20 bucks going to a good cause,but i get boat load of gaming goodness in return. It took a few days to finally get my downloads,but i'm a pretty patient guy.Kudos to Drive thru,and all the publishers that contibuted to this undertaking. There is so much here,how can you not be satisfied. Rock on DTRPG!!! ROCK ON!! P.S Big shout out to Gregor Hutton for 3:16!Totally excellent bug hunt game!!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Gamers Helping Haiti $20 Donation with Coupon
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Vampire: The Requiem
Publisher: White Wolf
by charles s.
Date Added: 04/26/2005 21:09:31

Beeeeelccchhh Bleeeechhhhhh guuurfphh mumphhhhh..thats the sound of me choking on regurgitated rules.When is Vamp 3.0 coming out.There may be some rules "tweaks" but c'mon.It's just the same ol world of angst,but in a prettier package.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Vampire: The Requiem
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Cartoon Action Hour
Publisher: Spectrum Games
by charles s.
Date Added: 11/27/2004 15:11:54

Yes Mr Moreau,there are other systems that can handle hero action.But this game is not about that. Its about capturing the feel and the excitement of the early 80's adventure cartoon series.Anything you could dream up.From Thundarr the Barbarian all the way back to earlier cartoons such as Charlie chan and the Clan.It's a fluid and intuitive system for just that.I would suggest you actually BUY the product and READ it before commiting to such slander.And if you don't like it..well...that ok...go back to playing HERO system or whatever strikes your fancy. And i know Charlie chan was from the 70's but i loooved that cartoon

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Cartoon Action Hour
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