For a 5 start rating I gave I must also say nothing about this game will amaze the RPG world. I gave it 5 starts because it is presented clearly with easy rules to learn and play. enough samples to get a GM running fairly quick but not so much information that I got bogged down with numbers. Not going chapter by chapter I will go into specifics.
The basic rule system is roll a D6 and modified by your ability score. There is a list of Abilities and another separated by physical, mental, social, etc. Abilities start at 0 and can be modified by up to -5 to +5. Your target number is a difficulty number set by the GM or by the roll and ability score of your opponent. Quick, easy, not ground breaking but it works well.
Traits can also modify your abilities, dice rolls or just give your character some more flare. of course some traits will be negative, positive or both. Again similar to other games but it works.
Combat is straight forward. Easy to learn and play. there is enough expanded rules like burning and drowning to cover the basics but not overly done to bog the game down with number crunching and chart searching. there are rules for hit by location. I wouldn't use these myself unless the player was making a called shot but it is there for those that like this option.
Battle maps and world maps are discussed along with rules for using them. Blank copies are there for you to print out and use if you want, Enough information is given if you want to use them but not the game will not be affected too much if you choose not to use them.
The section on Settlements is clearly aimed towards a fantasy setting or post apocalyptic genre. Included here is information on the type of businesses, people and work that might be available. Decent section but not overly done but can be remodeled easily for a more modern or present society.
The gear section covers a lot of mundane equipment, weapons, armour, and vehicles to cover any campaign world from low tech to modern and into the future to cover energy weapons and powered armor. Very nicely presented with modifiers relating to attacking with or defending with items and armors that may be cutting, energy or blunt weapons. Again I wouldn't worry about those numbers unless a player had a trait making a certain style of weapon more or less effective. It is there though for those who want a little more depth to combat or their character.
The only place this game lacks is the sample characters, races, and other NPCs for different worlds. There are enough creatures that you can easily cover most creatures by modifying one presented. A wolf, just change the name to big dog. A dragon by changing its breath weapon you can make frost, acid or lightning dragons. Take away the flight and breath and you have a dinosaur. And how about a little poison snake, big deal right. Add a couple size levels and now you have one as big as a human. with a couple more you have one as big as an elephant. Take a zombie and rename it ghoul or mummy or even skeleton. I am just saying there are plenty of samples covering creatures.
Sadly, Vampires are not represented but by taking a normal character and applying a Drain health spell you have an immediate blood sucker. which brings me to the best part and the reason it gets a 5 star rating. The magic or Mysticism section.
First it is presented clearly what make up a spell and how it can be used in different genres. From fantasy wizards and healers to psionic and Super powers there are many different ways to use spells but each is easy to use and understand. Magic can either be define your spells as you play or by making pre made spells or any combination in between.
The more power you put in a spell the harder it is to cast or the mana it drains. There are plenty of spells to use or get the GM and players designing their own. It is pretty straight forward with plenty of options but not so much that it will bog the game down especially if you have several spells prepared. I can't praise this section enough and if I would borrow the section for any game I was playing. It is worth the price right here for a clean and clear set of magic rules.
You also get a section on how to create new weapons, armors, gear, spells and world settings. It is nicely presented and helps to wrap everything else up into 1 package.
To end this long review it is well worth the purchase and not a whole lot of time learning the rules. It can be used for any rpg style from dark and gritty to light and humorous. Any genre from fantasy to supers to westerns to space to horror to steampunk to spies to.... oh you get the picture.