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Encounters & Events - SciFi Volume 1 - Space Derelicts
Publisher: Ennead Games
by Jay K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/06/2016 19:53:32

Great tool for quickly devising one-off scenarios for an evening's gaming. Easy to fit into an existing campaign. With sufficient imagination on the part of the referree, most can be expanded into multi-adventure campaign threads if desired.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Encounters & Events - SciFi Volume 1 - Space Derelicts
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Quick Generator - Map Feature Name
Publisher: Ennead Games
by Jay K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/05/2015 13:55:33

I live in SW Idaho, where many of the geographical features were named by settlers who were not particularly imaginative (Dry Creek, Green Meadow, etc.).* It's nice to have a generator like this to quickly come up with interesting names that can then potentially inspire a whole adventure. Why is this hill called Frost Peak when we're in the tropics? Why do apes congregate on Monkey Rock, surrounded by ocean waves? Why is Protected Mesa called that, and who protects it? This booklet can give you some quick local color which can lead to some memorable gaming moments.

*We also have some pretty good names, like Bogus Basin, Secesh River (explored by ex-Confederates in the 1860s), Initial Point, and so on.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Quick Generator - Map Feature Name
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