Gotta love the mad catz!
The layout of these sheets is so much better and easier for play than those in the main book. I recommend these sheets for all ACTA SF players.
The layout is so much better and easier for play. I recommend these sheets for all ACTA SF players.
This is a nice add on to ACTA Star Fleet. It makes the ship cards a lot more usable than those in the main book, which, I think, were just for reference. They print two of the same ones to a landscape US letter sheet. Cutting them, they are the same size as Fed Com ship cards. I am laminating them as I bought a pack of half-sheet laminating packs on Amazon I used for Fed Com sheets.
The layout make ship's much more playable on the table. If you play, this is a good way to go.
It is exctly what you think: all the tables you need to run the game.
I printed these on a DaVinci Jr. It printed clean and turned oujt really nice. Now to add them to the mountain of unpainted plastic in my office. Recommend!
Creator Reply: |
I am so happy to hear it! Thank you so much for taking the time to give a review of the Trap Pack. We had a lot of fun making it and hope you enjoy utilizing it!
~RPG |
I like this. While I don't play old school rules anymore (though I run old school campaigns) this was curious to me. It does what other OSR games do not: present something orginal instead of rewriting the same rules for the umpteenth time. Is it what Gygax would have done. Who knows, but probably not, though some seem like good guesses based on what he was writing otherwise. If you want to tun old school rules that have a different take, give it a try.
The Microlite projects are good, reducing d20 to its essence, making it a toolkit that is easy to modify, yet keeping enough compatibity with third edition to directly borrow and adapt ideas. I good choice for old school fans who want the good things about old school but with good, self consistant rules.
Excellent product. Best tiles out there because of the features of the grid size and short walls to not block your vision at the table. Get the full version- you will like it. On the fence, this will kick you all the way over at the low low price of free.
I wanted more options for monks in an old school fantasy adventure for a con under Sagae Worlds. This was recommended to me. It is darn good. The new edges fit what I weanted and were very evocative, and the new arcane background was dead on to recreate the mystic qualities of the class. As for the rest, the mileu is not one I am really into, but I did look it over and it seems like a pretty good background with lots of adventure opportunity.
Actuall old school is not my thing to play, but I still enjoy a good read. And this is one. Full of imagination, thrills, and a few good laughs as well (gives ol' Disney a what for). I don't expect much for free, but this is the quality of a major for sale product. The production is darn good as well. If you are running an old school game get this fer sure!
From the guy who wrote Dark Dungeons he goes on his own to make an old school game that is basically new and streamlined as well. While I applaud and encourage people to do this instead of photocopying the old rules it was not a direction that I would go, but it is very good and you should look at it. It might just be the new old school you are looking for.
Probably my favorite of the OSR games, as BECMI was a most playbale version (none of the excpetions and odd rules of Advanced). It is also cooly an homage to Dark Dungeons, the famous anti-D&D religious tract, even having the famous chatacters from it in the examples of play. Good layout, good cover. It dos suffer the same disappointment that all of these seem to have: they don't stray far from the original, all essentially rewrting the old rules over and over... trying to capture the good things in OSR but not willing to make the game better. There is another version of these rules called Darker Dungeons (not yet avialable here) that does make some changes for the better. One of the reasons stated for making these things is that the old rules are unavailable, although the originals are all available in PDF these days. Still, if you are going to run some Basic/Expert modules and want a ruleset that is the best, actually better than the originals, even the complete D&D Rules Cuclopedia, as all of the errata is included and conflicting rules are eliminated.
This is excellent. The 1.25'" squares work wonders for layout, and the lower walls make it far better at the gaming table than typical tiles. I totally reconmmend!