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Wally DM's Journal of Puzzle Encounters
Publisher: Wally DM
by Scott B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/25/2020 18:13:15

Bought this yesterday, put the first two puzzles in my game today. The others looks good and not repetitive.

I can tell from the mention of 30th and 36th level casters that the author has "Master"ed the game. Some anachronisms from older editions remain, like Stone to Flesh, but they're all easy to work with. One works requires knowledge of spell components that fortunately did stick around to the newest edition.

There's one puzzle with 12 keys, 7 are normal keys, but I can only identify three that aren't normal. I'm not going to introduce a puzzle I can't solve myself.

But I've already gotten my money's worth. Like I said, lots of ideas, and the puzzles aren't too difficult mostly. (You want your players to feel they're smart, not to feel you're smart).

I would note that it's good to give puzzles like these while there are still places to explore, so the game doesn't grind to a half while the players who love puzzles work on it. Don't make a puzzle the only way to go with not side treks.


[5 of 5 Stars!]
Wally DM's Journal of Puzzle Encounters
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Death of the Tyrant
Publisher: GRAmel
by Scott B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/26/2017 13:12:07

One of the best adventures I have ever ran. Each segment plays well by itself and is unique, and the whole story just works. At all points my players were motivated.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Death of the Tyrant
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Green World
Publisher: GRAmel
by A customer [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/26/2017 13:10:11

A great, kinetic storyline. There's a mystery to motive players, good action, good monsters. At the end, dire sorcery.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Green World
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Petty Gods: Revised & Expanded Edition
Publisher: New Big Dragon Games Unlimited
by A customer [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/26/2017 13:06:31

Huge, crowd sourced compendium. It's great. So much art, so much creativity.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Petty Gods: Revised & Expanded Edition
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Broodmother SkyFortress
Publisher: Lamentations of the Flame Princess
by A customer [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/26/2017 13:04:12

This is a big adventure with giants in a floating castle. There are many options for reskinning the adventure for different genres. The NPCs have good personalities, and there are many ways to use the product.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Broodmother SkyFortress
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DCC RPG Free RPG Day Adventure Starter
Publisher: Goodman Games
by Scott B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/09/2012 10:43:48

This package includes an introduction to the Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG, a 0-1 level adventure "The Portal Under the Stars", a 5th level adventure "The Infernal Crucible of Sezrekan the Mad", and gorgeous art. A print version was available free on FreeRPG day 2011. I picked up a copy then, but I found myself wanting to run the first adventure when I didn't have access to my print version so I purchased the PDF version.

I ran this as a quick game over the holidays for family members. There's no quick-play rules (you need the free Beta rules download for that), but they're barely required due to the nature of the adventure. If you've played a d20 game before, you'll pick this up with no effort.

(I used an online 0th level character generator to speed things up, creating multiple set of characters and let my players pick one set each. Google "DCC RPG resources". The rules for creating characters by hand are in the free Beta rule download, and are very fast.)

Spoilers? "Portal Under the Stars" is primarily exploration of an ancient crypt, with some combat and traps. There's enough information for the players to learn the history of the crypt, and there's a final "boss fight" which can be avoided by clever/lucky/unlucky/greedy characters. There are nine rooms outlined, including the "foyer" and treasure room, but there's plenty to think about and do in all of the rooms.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
DCC RPG Free RPG Day Adventure Starter
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