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Sandbox Creator
Publisher: Shieldice Studio
by Jeff [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/09/2024 23:39:27

So I put this into an excel spread sheet and with some work, got it to generate a 5x5 zone map. It's a nice little thing for a sandbox generator and the price is pretty reasonable. My biggest complaint is the way the locations are put together. I'd personally suggest a redo of that, I'd start with if the lands are tamed or wild. Locations for tamed could have things like farms, bridges, lumber mills, infamous crossroads and settlements. (I'd create a sub table for settlements with a random value for fortified or now. Also, I'd take out some of the things like a theater that would make less sense in a random location and put it in a table of rare locations.) I'd also change the inhabitants to reflect civilized races or monsters. (again with sub-tables.) monsters at 20% if the land is tamed or 80% if the land is wild. (civilized races would be the inverse then.) I'd also add a custom location table set for the player starting location (assuming that you're starting in a civilized location.)

making a 5x5, uses about half of all the descriptions for a sand box style. There is a part of me that would like to have more than that. It would be nice to be able to have some areas naturally coming up as connected, too, maybe.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Sandbox Creator
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The Book of Random Tables: Science Fiction Facility Generator
Publisher: dicegeeks
by Jeff [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/05/2024 06:46:55

At first glance this product seems to be well put together and has lots of good tables for the generation of a facility in a Sci-Fi setting.

I'm only giving it 4 stars for a couple of reasons. Some of the information feels useful but unneeded. It is my understanding that this product is supposed to generate a Sci-Fi facility. If it is instead supposed to generate a Sci-Fi research facility, then some of the following criticism can be ignored. -The information on the founding organization is okay, but lacks criminal elements. -There is a names table for orbiting space stations but not one for ground based facilities. -The Facility purpose table is dedicated solely to science. This makes if feel more like a sub-table than a main table. I would like to see a main table for the facility's purpose that looks more like: Science/research, Trade outpost, Resupply depot, Military base, Mining base, Industrial facility, Administration/communication, Religious retreat, Hidden purpose (roll again for what the purpose appears to be.) -In the status with founding group there is the abandoned quality. I feel like this should have been done a bit differently. The original founding organization may have abandoned the facility, but that doesn't mean that another group hasn't taken it over. (Abandoned by the original founders and totally abandoned are potentially two different things. -The random items you might find are interesting, but probably could have been expanded into it's own document as most of what's given are all science related again.

All in all, I'd say this is a good product at a pretty reasonable price point. Somethings here should help a GM get the basics of a facility up pretty fast.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
The Book of Random Tables: Science Fiction Facility Generator
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100 Avian Beasts
Publisher: Azukail Games
by Jeff [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/27/2024 04:35:37

This is mostly what is says on the tin. a list of animals that can fly. (Not all are avian.) This has the entries listed 1 to 100.


  1. The numbering allows you to roll a d100 to get a random creature.
  2. Each creature has some good details.


  1. There is not a separate category in each entry for information about the climate or terrain the creature comes from. With many of the creatures that can be determined. But it will require extra work on the DMs part to determine.
  2. Because that information isn't listed in an easily accessible way, DMs will have a hard time finding creatures for the location their characters are at quickly.

Of course a merchant might have one of these creatures far from their normal climes, or maybe they stowed away in a crate and now the local population doesn't know how to deal with these foreign pests.

Personally, I think the best uses for this product might be to either read all the entries and choose something the characters will discover. Or to give some random entries to the players when they discover a book on nature or flying creatures.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
100 Avian Beasts
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B-Movie Title Generator
Publisher: Ennead Games
by Jeff [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/06/2024 09:51:44

I usually pick up several products at a time and when I bought this it was the first I dug into. And I wasn't disappointed. This product uses a number of tables to generate the titles for b-movies. Many seem weird and might require some imagination to make work. But many spark the imagination.

For a product that is creating a single background detail (what's on the movie marquee / what's playing at the theater), this product goes above and beyond.

I would add too, that I put the tables into an excel spread sheet and I use it to quickly and easily roll up the titles. It works well and it is easy to add to it.

my only (admittedly minor) complaint is that I would have liked to see some sci-fi elements separated.

I love pulling this out and showing non-gamers. It makes everyone smile.

Examples Trek to Mars! Queen of the Dragonflies The Amazons of the Necromancer

[5 of 5 Stars!]
B-Movie Title Generator
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Executive Assistant Iris: Sourcebook
Publisher: Aspen Comics
by Jeff [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/02/2024 08:09:05

This product focuses on "Executive Assistants." For those like myself that are wondering, they are women that have been trained to spy levels and work for various rich people as spies, assassins, body guards, and personal assistants.

The book has an overview of multiple characters from the comics so that you can use them in your modern or sci-fi games. This overview contains things like their physical descriptions and skills. The book then has a long section detailing the character's journey through comic's story. I have not read this too closely but should be very useful if you want to stick close to the world presented in the comics.

At the end of the book is a brief overview of several schools that train young women for this role.

In the end I only really have one complaint with this product. When I was skimming though the detailed sections I stumbled across a bit of story. This bit explained that the girl whose story I was reading was upset because she had accidently killed some children and that violated her personal moral code. This would have been nice to have in the overview box. A "quirks" section could have mentioned the character's moral code in such a way that it would be easy to reference during play.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Executive Assistant Iris: Sourcebook
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The Tower Vault Heist
Publisher: Zero Separation Ltd
by Jeff [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/22/2024 07:38:07

Disclosure: I haven't ran this adventure.

This product bills it's self as an adventure for 3rd to 4th level characters. What you get is a single use magic item, 3 monsters, and a tower that is comprised of 4 floors with each floor being a single challenge room. You also get a hand out, DM maps with all the secrets and player maps that I believe will work well with a VTT.

The Good:

  • I feel like the challenges are well done. At the very least these could be used elsewhere.
  • The creatures and magic item seem well done at first glance. So they should be something that you could pull for your games.
    • the reason the tower is sunk is a bit weird, but the challenges could all be pulled and used elsewhere.
    • The actual prize at in the "vault" is not specified. So you are encouraged to come up with one yourself. This makes a great place to put a quest item.
    • The maps look good and the player maps seem VTT ready.

The Bad:

  • The tower being mostly underwater is an interesting choice. But it really affects nothing except how to reach it.
  • For that matter the tower structure it's self is unneeded. You could get just as much use out of these rooms if they were added to a dungeon and connected lineraly.
  • The tower was built to house magical items. Possibly millions of GP was spent in it's creation and the treasure hidden with in it is recommended to be a minor magic item. The adventure mentions that the creator was eccentric. But this feels like overkill to me.
  • When I read the description of this adventure on this site, I was expecting a tower that had a more useful design.
  • The "vault" seems overly restrictive. especially for a minor magic item.

How can you use it: You can use the challenges elsewhere. It would be easy to add them to an existing dungeon. Given the hidden staircase at the beginning, this sort of location could exist in a dungeon that was totally cleared out and looted ages ago. If you want to run this adventure as is, I would suggest putting some extra work in to come up with your own reasons why the tower is mostly sunk. Since you need to think about what you will have as a treasure in the "vault", I suggest considering an old school type of artifact that is very powerful but also has serious drawbacks. Or a Quest Item. This place feels like it was designed to be sealed and never opened again. So you might want to put an item here that deserves that sort of treatment.

Final thoughts: This has good challenges. (I hesitate to call them puzzles since the player handout tells the players mostly how to get through.) To run this adventure, I feel like I will have to do some work to answer some questions. If you're up for that, then I recommend it.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
The Tower Vault Heist
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The Night Mother's Moon - A Modern Era Scenario for Call of Cthulhu
Publisher: Stygian Fox
by Jeff J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/13/2023 05:01:29

Alright, I don't play Call of Cthulhu, but I was looking for an awesome modern day paranormal adventure. And I found it here.

The twist of playing the homeless is an interesting one. The investigation feels like it would work well and get the investigators to all the right places.

I feel the abandoned subway station could have been described a little differently to better indicate that the trains still pass through. (I was really imagining it differently than the map shows.) And I feel like the dominated occupents in the apartment building could have been handled differently. It doesn't say when the nightmother dominated them. So it feels like they have been dominated for sometime. Which implies that none of them have went to work for a month and somehow haven't been missed. I think it would make more sense to have the nightmother already affecting them subtlely until she notices that the heroes are coming. Then she takes full control and in the process black flame errupts from their eyes buring them out. Or to have the nightmother to have whispered temptations to people that she met and didn't kill during her time manifested. These people are now considered missing by the police. And they are here in a daze, effectively waiting for the Nightmother to manifest and kill them.

While I feel those two points could have been done a bit differently for clarity, on the whole it feels to me like a solid urban adventure. I recommend people pick it up and give it a read through.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Night Mother's Moon - A Modern Era Scenario for Call of Cthulhu
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Nakuko - A 1990's Scenario for Call of Cthulhu, Set in Japan
Publisher: Stygian Fox
by Jeff J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/13/2023 04:26:43

I mostly enjoyed reading this. I would love to see it ran for a group of Japanese players.

I feel like it is important to note that this scenerio comes with recommended characters. The scenerio is written to be related to those specific characters. So if your players are bringing their own, understand that you may have to make some adjustments. These adjustments will be easiest if there is a female character among the investigators.

There were, however, two things that negatively affected my review. The first is that there appears to be an entire page missing. The sentence that starts page 12 is obviously not the end of the sentence that trails off on page 11. There was also a simple grammar error that slipped through and was a bit jarring. I'm actually surprised that Stygian Fox hasn't updated this product to fix the missing page, at least in the digital form. (or either linked to an errata or added an errata to the digital file.)

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Nakuko - A 1990's Scenario for Call of Cthulhu, Set in Japan
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The Pine Barrens
by Jeff J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/08/2018 20:46:44

Alright, so I just finished reading through The Pine Barrens. And to start with, I feel like if the DM is willing to put a little effort into it, it can be an interesting area. The villains are of a dark nature and it is easy to understand why they need to be defeated. The cult design under the wytch house is especially interesting and useful to me. The maps have a lot of detail, and most of the hand-outs look great. There are some very detailed area descriptions. There are several people to rescue. I expect that dealing with them will make for good role playing prompts.

I would like to recommend this to people that are going to be running anysort of steam punk campaign, since with only a few changes it might feel very victorian era.

Okay, so that said, there are a couple of things that I didn't like. First, lets talk about the maps. They look good, but there is no map key. I found myself questioning if I was looking at doors or not at several points.

Next, I want to mention the overland encounters/map. There are 3 bridges going from the main land to the island. I can not tell why this is, especially since there is no road going to the south bridge. Similarly there is a bridge going west to an island. This island seems utterly unremarkable. It has an encounter, but I am unsure as to why the designers decided to use page space to include it. There seems to be no reason for the bridge to have been created or for people go to that island. When we get to the Millisca House, an interesting line presents it's self. "you note that the nearest house is 100yrds away." Wait, there are other houses around? nothing was said about this. Note this would be a good place for a former community. The loggers, hunters and others that moved away needed some place to live after all. But nothing is stated about this. The house it's self is described as a trading company. There is very little in the way of storage area. What did they trade? where did they store it? Owners are dead, we may never know the answer to those questions. Finally, the cabin in the woods. This location seems hidden in the woods. The owners are described as general store owners who also took over the mortician business in the area. It is hard to believe that they would get that much business, in a building hidden in the woods. There is no road to this cabin.

Next I would like to mention the room/area descriptions. Many of these are very wordy. They do a good job describing what the players see. Often telling the players how they feel about a situation (not good). For overland descriptions, there is the occasional assumption about the time of day. (why are the heroes still out treking late at night?)

Finally, the adventure states that it ends when the players get to the bridge on the far side of the island. The adventure contains minimal wrap up notes however.

(On a side note the cabin in the woods is missing a description for area 18 and a description of where the portcullis's are. Also, nothing is said about the people in the tank in room 17.)

Final word, I feel there are some interesting ideas, and maps here. There are some wonderful chances for the heroes to be heroes. And there are a number of things that feel like they don't fit quite right. With a bit of work however, this could be an interesting area for the players to explore.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
The Pine Barrens
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ZZ Story Design Volumes 11-20 [BUNDLE]
Publisher: Lightspress Media
by Jeff J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/08/2017 10:58:03

Warning, to enjoy this product you have to be willing to put up with spelling and grammar mistakes.

(Example: in Story Design- Decline and Fall; "The" instead of "They" near the top of page 10.)

That said, I am enjoying reading these PDFs. Every one that I read sparks ideas for possible stories. It makes for an interesting look at what is required for each type of story.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
ZZ Story Design Volumes 11-20 [BUNDLE]
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ZZ Story Design Volumes 1-10 [BUNDLE]
Publisher: Lightspress Media
by Jeff J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/08/2017 10:48:44

Warning, to enjoy this product you have to be willing to put up with grammar mistakes.

(Things like the word one instead of won in the Story Design-Duel book)

That said, I am enjoying reading these PDFs. Every one that I read sparks ideas for possible stories. It makes for an interesting look at what is required for each type of story.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
ZZ Story Design Volumes 1-10 [BUNDLE]
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Free20: Troublemaker
Publisher: Skortched Urf' Studios
by Jeff J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/04/2009 21:00:14

I just downloaded this product and read through it. I feel they have captured the feel they were going for and I might add a NPC with this template to my game at some point. For a free download it's hard to go too wrong and while this isn't for everyone, it feels pretty good.

I'm quite satisfied with this download. Especially as I reflect on using tropes from TV and comics to make the game world more interesting.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Free20: Troublemaker
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