Disclosure: I haven't ran this adventure.
This product bills it's self as an adventure for 3rd to 4th level characters. What you get is a single use magic item, 3 monsters, and a tower that is comprised of 4 floors with each floor being a single challenge room. You also get a hand out, DM maps with all the secrets and player maps that I believe will work well with a VTT.
The Good:
- I feel like the challenges are well done. At the very least these could be used elsewhere.
- The creatures and magic item seem well done at first glance. So they should be something that you could pull for your games.
- the reason the tower is sunk is a bit weird, but the challenges could all be pulled and used elsewhere.
- The actual prize at in the "vault" is not specified. So you are encouraged to come up with one yourself. This makes a great place to put a quest item.
- The maps look good and the player maps seem VTT ready.
The Bad:
- The tower being mostly underwater is an interesting choice. But it really affects nothing except how to reach it.
- For that matter the tower structure it's self is unneeded. You could get just as much use out of these rooms if they were added to a dungeon and connected lineraly.
- The tower was built to house magical items. Possibly millions of GP was spent in it's creation and the treasure hidden with in it is recommended to be a minor magic item. The adventure mentions that the creator was eccentric. But this feels like overkill to me.
- When I read the description of this adventure on this site, I was expecting a tower that had a more useful design.
- The "vault" seems overly restrictive. especially for a minor magic item.
How can you use it:
You can use the challenges elsewhere. It would be easy to add them to an existing dungeon. Given the hidden staircase at the beginning, this sort of location could exist in a dungeon that was totally cleared out and looted ages ago.
If you want to run this adventure as is, I would suggest putting some extra work in to come up with your own reasons why the tower is mostly sunk. Since you need to think about what you will have as a treasure in the "vault", I suggest considering an old school type of artifact that is very powerful but also has serious drawbacks. Or a Quest Item. This place feels like it was designed to be sealed and never opened again. So you might want to put an item here that deserves that sort of treatment.
Final thoughts:
This has good challenges. (I hesitate to call them puzzles since the player handout tells the players mostly how to get through.) To run this adventure, I feel like I will have to do some work to answer some questions. If you're up for that, then I recommend it.