Out of 172 pages, 168 are the contents, including character sheet (2 pages).
It appears to be a variant d20 system, looking at the pages on skills and combat.
Example: Melee (Major Action: Dex+Melee Fighting+1d20); Difficulty: 20 (difficult).
For skill rolls, etc: add your attribute, applicable skill bonus, bonuses from specialties, situational modifiers and add the result of a 1d20.
Compare that with a difficulty/target number from the GM (easy: 16, Difficult: 20, challenging: 24, etc).
I only spotted 2 typos (page 154 & 152), so far.
Plenty of data on the various species, creatures, land areas, etc.
There's a world map (not too bad).
Parts of the book remind me of Mekton 1&2.
Apart from data on supernatural powers, there's also a Game Masters Resources section (premise, alternatives, themes, genre, motivations and rewards, and artifacts).
At £3.24/$5.00 it's not bad for a variant d20 system; worth buying just for the background information/data.