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Contraption Set One: The Black Unicorn vs Thugs $2.50
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Contraption Set One: The Black Unicorn vs Thugs
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Contraption Set One: The Black Unicorn vs Thugs
Publisher: Okumarts Games
by Paul a. M. T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/15/2017 11:43:22

A nice, clean set with excellent character art, I bought this set with no idea who the Black Unicorn is and I still don't know. I run a 2e AD&D campaign set in 1890 on an alternate version of Earth and needed figures for a good steampunk setting. David's Contraption sets were just the ticket. I bought sets 1 & 2 and hope there will be more. I don't know quite what to do with the Black Unicorn, but the 44 thugs, er, gentlemen that accompanied him have made quite a contribution to my campaign. The blokes handling those chains were a bit of a bother to cut out, I recommend a fresh blade when you start on them.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Contraption Set One: The Black Unicorn vs Thugs
Publisher: Okumarts Games
by umberto p. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/04/2015 04:15:21

Very nice set, as always! I can devise a single-player scenario with these minis alone: Black Unicorn versus Thugs!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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