Much like most of Postmortem Studios' other offerings, 100 Fantasy Kingdoms serves up one hundred fantasy realms (they're not all kingdoms, in the technical) sense at a rate of one per page. Each page gives you a paragraph or two on history, three or four paragraphs about who rules each 'kingdom' and how, and four adventure seeds. Although not all the ideas are totally original - there is a wizard kingdom and an undead kingdom, to cite a couple of well-worn ideas - most are at least serviceable. The adventure seeds ensure that there is a least some degree of utility for even those kingdoms.
I would be inclined to give this product a solid three stars except for the appalling lack of proofreading. I know that it seems pedantic to lecture people about this but, for the record, ITS is the possessive form of IT, whereas IT'S is the conjunction of IT IS. If the author could learn this simple rule, more than half the mistakes would be eliminated. <br><br>
<b>LIKED</b>: Good utility; solid adventure seeds; some original ideas
Compared to his rants in some earlier products, the author's anti-piracy message is less emotional and more conciliatory here. <br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: Some unoriginal ideas; author could use the services of an editor/proofreader<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Acceptable<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>