Originally posted here: https://theotherside.timsbrannan.com/2020/09/shadow-week-shadows-of-4e.html
Gloomwrought is a large city located in the Shadowfell. This product came in a box with a 128-page Campaign Guide, a 32-page Encounter book, a poster map of Gloomwrought, monster counters, and a 30-card deck of Despair cards. The Despair cards were a nice feature since they could add to the mood of "gloom, despair, and agony on me." While the cards had mechanical effects, the vast bulk of this product is fluff. The crunch amounts to some NPCs and encounters, all easily converted. There are a couple of monsters, but they analogs in every other version of D&D.
Gloomwrought gets the most ink here and that is fine. The city is something of a crossroads in the Shadowfell and it is likely where characters will end up.
One of the nice things about the D&D4 Shadowfell line being done is it is now easier to go back and include something like Gloomwrought in the HPE series of adventures that had come out three years prior. In fact, it is entirely possible to make ALL your D&D 4 experiences live and act within the Shadowfell if one chooses. I find this personally satisfying since my 2nd Ed AD&D experiences are largely molded by my chosen campaign world of Ravenloft.