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Encounter Decks 1

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Encounter Decks 1
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Encounter Decks 1
Publisher: Inkwell Ideas
by P. B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/26/2015 14:41:06

This is a really wonderful product for ANY GM who has players of a, shall we say... 'creative nature' when it comes to following a planned adventure. Each card is chock-full of help for any number of situations, and even though it has a definite 'high fantasy' bias, I have found applications in many different kinds of RPG situations.

While I do give a 5-star ratings, there is one thing that would make this a lot better. A higher level contrast on the PDF file would make it easier to read these when printed out in black and white, and the text is difficult for my old-person eyes to read in B+W. In full-colour they look glorious, of course, and despite that I still love these cards! Well worth buying!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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