Recently, I soloed my way through Cast Tower of the Blood Moon Rises! (69 pages) a fun adventure for Dungeon Crawl Classics. The RPG system that I used to play it was GOZR Sci-Fantasy RPG (54 pages, at DriveThruRPG). I used a random sixty card deck (no lands) of Magic the Gathering cards and a yes/maybe/no oracle as the solo engine. The adventure started with the six PCs encountering the townsfolk in the town of Thanesmire. The PCs were escorted to The Steward and he gave them their first quest. Next, they went to the tavern Hilted Eye. This was where they picked up the second quest. They PCs decided to spend the night upstairs and they journeyed to Bloom Forest the next morning.
They explored seven locations. They did trigger the trap. The PCs were able to kill the mushroom men, but their shaman was able to hit the wounded P.C. Gobe with a mushroom/spore spell. He did not know it, but he had become infected. Later, Jam the PC was bit by bog-flies and then the PCs watched as a troupe tried to kill each other. When the second-to-last actor went down his magic ring was triggered. A Clay Stature magically appeared and killed the last actor, and then it attacked the PCs. The PCs killed it. Gobe passed gas. It was long, loud, and smelled of edible puffball. Next, they encountered a government execution (in the woods). The PCs did not interfere and they followed the guards back to town. Again, the PCs paid for a room at the tavern. During the night, Gobe suffered from abdominal distension. In the morning, he gave birth (trust me, you do not want to know the details) to a baby mushroom man. Gobe was able to successfully bond with it. So, Gobe now has a son.
There are other locations to explore. Give this adventure a try!