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How to Hexcrawl Pay What You Want
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How to Hexcrawl
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How to Hexcrawl
Publisher: Taskboy Games
by Joel R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/22/2015 15:05:35

The hex crawl has a lot to offer with a myriad of ways to handle it. Unfortunately, this PDF offers very little that isn't already in the core books, whether it is Labyrinth Lord or the classic Expert set. In all fairness, it does say in the description "Compiled directly from the Labyrinth Lord core rulebook," but I expected at least a commentary on those steps with perhaps alternatives. Without that additional material, this PDF has little to offer. It is a PWYW product with a low suggested price, but it should be billed as a primer priced at $0.00. The most useful part was the resources section with links to blogs that offered much more content.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
How to Hexcrawl
Publisher: Taskboy Games
by Eric F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/11/2015 14:50:34

This is a twenty four page 'pay what you want' basic primer for all things hexcrawling awesome. The hexcrawl is the unsung underbelly of the old school game that has appeared countless times over and over again. There is a reason for this, because it works so well. This pdf is a primer for this method of adventuring and goes into everything that a DM or his players might want or need to know. All of it is laid out in a step by step stereo instruction method of OSR preparation and go to it. The author knows his subject and traces down everything that you need for hexcrawling right out of the gate. Want to know the small history and back story to this method of adventuring, that in this title as well very quickly done with all of the ins and outs for mapping, adventuring, and more. This information can be applied across the board for any type of campaign from fantasy, sword and sorcery, and even westerns should you design it that way. How to Hexcrawl is the easy step by step title to get you started and even for the veteran gamer this is a good chance to brush up on your skills set and move forward with incorporating one of the best methods of old school adventuring out there. How To Hexcrawl is worth the price of admission and very well done. Money well spent if you haven't gotten into a solid title lately this is it.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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