I bought the softback. It's extremely disappointing. No way is it worth $20. $5 at most. It purports to be a spell system, but it is far too simplisitc to be incorporated into any game system as is. I'll summarize the entire "rules" system: Start w/ 3 spells. Int check to learn a new spell (one chance ever). Vancian memorization but a wizard can only memorize 1 spell per level. You can expend a memorized spell in order to counterspell. You can expend any spell to have a local area low damage attack. Some spells require you to use a rune, you can only have 1 rune at a time. Crit fails cause spells to backfire. That pretty much summarizes the entire "spell system" THe spells are grouped into schools. You can specialize in one school by forsaking another. The spell descriptions themselves are generally short. Many are only a sentence or 2. They describe general effects, but include no mechanics. On the plus side some of the spell descriptions are pretty interesting and fairly creative. They could serve as good inspiration if you wanted to flesh them out and add custom spells to your game. The print quality of the book is bad. It looks very amateur. The book cover came out a mottled grey instead of black. The pages are all slighty off center top to bottom.