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GM'S COOKBOOK: Modern Events #2 $0.68
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GM\'S COOKBOOK: Modern Events #2
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GM'S COOKBOOK: Modern Events #2
Publisher: Big Finger Games
by Saif A. E. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/20/2021 05:26:23

Clean and to the point presentation. These are ideas for things that can happen "on the way to". They may or may not add a distraction to the story. Biggest value is to remind the GM to make the world feel more livable. But needs the GM thought in order to give them a meaning, otherwise players may just say "ok" to them and move on, it could be a bit more interesting if each of them gave a slight "interaction" factor as an idea for players to hop in into something.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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