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The Temple of Qultar $1.00
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The Temple of Qultar
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The Temple of Qultar
Publisher: Chubby Monster Games
by Dustin O. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/31/2015 13:46:48

The main problem with this adventure is its brevity. Three of the six pages of the PDF are maps. There is little story or background information about the temple. Some of the rooms have tidbits of description that cry out for further explanation. For example, there are stacks of gold pieces, three high, on the stairs leading up to the statue. Why? Or the oily liquid of the Pool of Qultar is implied to be dangerous but never explained. Other annoying bits: there are typos and grammatical errors. The map is not keyed, so you have to guess which description applies to each room. Positives: the multiple versions of the map are nice. There is a fun idea related to the golem which I might employ. Overall, I guess you get what you pay for, but even $1 seems too much for this.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
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