Menagerie est un supplément pour Icons dont le thème est les animaux, qu'ils soient communs, légendaires, disparus (je parle des dinosaures qui sont là eux aussi) ou fantastiques. Vous y trouverez un bestiaire très complet ainsi que des templates et des conseils pour les customiser à votre sauce : vous voulez un chat géant qui est en réalité un esprit ? C'est possible !
Menagerie is a supplement for Icons whose theme is animals, whether common, legendary, extinct (I'm talking about the dinosaurs who are there too) or fantastic. You will find a very complete bestiary there as well as templates and tips to customize them to your liking: do you want a giant cat who is actually a spirit? It's possible !
I bought Odyssey because a friend gave me a copy and I liked the whole PDF so I decided to buy the bundle including Focal Point and Never Unprepared.
This one is about managing a campaigns: campaign concept, campaign framework, first session, story, people and character management, how to end a campaign etc.
I think this is a good reading for any GM whatever their skill level.
Adaptation of the Necessary Evil's races to the Supers Powers Companion 2nd edtion. Much needed information :)
I do not run the 2nd edition of Mutants & Masterminds anymore but when I read it for the first time, I remembered thinking it was really a good products for people playing M&M for the first time (a bit like the Basic Hero's Handbook for 3rd edition). if you are still using M&M 2nd edition and pretty new to it, this is a good purchase.
Well, it is a good introduction to the 4th edition of the 4th edition of BESM with nice improvements. I think I will buy the full version someday. I think that this game can also emulate other genre than animé.
I have bought Supers Revised Edition last year and at first I had difficulties reading it, maybe it was the layout, the art or whatever. The thing is I have read it since and even run two playtests and my players really enjoyed this game. My experience so far is with 20D characters, the superhero power level.
The game engine use a D6 mechanics not unlike the system used in Ghostbusters, Star Wars and Men in Black but the game is simpler because it doesn't use pips (+1, +2), there is no wild die (it is an optional rule) and the scale is simpler (normal human is 1D not 2).
The strengths of this game for me are these ones :
- Characters are easy to create with a budget of creation dices low enough for not feeling overwhelmed but sufficient enough for not feeling constricted by a budget limit
- The gamut of character creation is diversified enough to create plenty of different character concepts and to adapt characters from other game systems
- The game system is easy, roll you pool of D6 dices (usually 1 to 6) add the results and beat a Target Number, either a TN decided by the Judge (the game master, name in this game) or decided by the defense chosen by the opponent. If the TN is beaten by 6, it is a Major success and by 12 a Superior success.
- The game is versatile, you can attack and defend with various powers, resistances and aptitudes depending on the situation
- You have several ways to get hurt, you decide which resistances is lowered when hit by a blast for instance depending how you decide how it affects you narratively
The game fills all my requirements for a superhero RPG. Still I don't feel thrilled by it, I suppose this is a lack of experience with it so I think the next test run I could do with it is run a superhero campaign ;-).
The best edition of BESM so far, it is sad Guardians of Order has closed its doors.
Useful if you want run Necessary Evil with the updated Super-Powers Companion.
This is a book I waited for a long time. I love the Rifts setting but I hate the native system. I have tried to adapt the setting myself for a long time but succeed.
Now Rifts is a Savage Worlds setting and the adaptation is very good, good bye MDC and Mega-Damage, welcome Heavy Weapon and Heavy Armor :).
For me the best L5R edition so far out of the L5R edition produced by AEG.
A villain for each occasion, this book is perfect.
I have read this new SaWo edition recently and overall, I found the modifications really interesting, the only small drawback for me, but I precise, this not something crippling at all :-), is that there is no world building part like there was in the Deluxe Explorer Edition.
As I said, this is not crippling and I would like to play it as soon as I can :-).
This is a primer on the AGE system (used in Blue Rose and Dragon Age), it is (hence the name) fantasy oriented and it is not provided with an specific universe, the core three class and the mechanics are provided and a few specialties, spells and equipment plus several GM's advices.
I think the goal is to have a basic fantasy core book that a GM can build upon as it is less complete than Bluse Rose & Dragon Age but that's not the goal of this book.
Still a good product for beginners and people curious about AGE.
I hesitated before buying this PDF, in fact, I discovered it by pure chance. I read yesterday the angryGM blog, it was an article about "How to XP Good" and I liked it. The writer convinced me it was a good thing to give XP to players, but I was troubled by his antagonism towards Mike Mearl and Mike Shea from another blog I read once in while too (Sky Flourish, the author of the PDF I am reviewing), then the same day, I read the announcement of the availability of "Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master" and I was interested.
In fact, I never read the 1st Lazy Dungeon Master, I am french and PDF buying are relatively new in my GM's life, well I buy more PDF since 2017 than I did before. So I cannot compare.
But, what I read from Mike Shea's Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master have very pleased me :). I begun the book yesterday night and I finished it a few minutes ago. There is plenty of good ideas for GM like me who are not lazy at first but who have not much time to prepare game (but who loves GMing anyway ;) ). I am running Tomb of Annihilation at this time and in october, I will run session 8, so I am eager to test all the book's advice soon :).
I still like AngryGM but I am not convinced that lazy GM are bad GM, not with this book anyway :).
Nice and imaginative setting, dystopian super heroes is something which appeals to me. The only bad point for me is the absence of bookmarks on that PDF.