Things I like:
1) The game gave me a millionty ideas for stories. For example...
Magical Moms and Dads. Tuxedo Mask with a midlife crisis. Getting to duck out of work because a monster is ripping up main street. Playing as the octogenarian in a retirement home to drive out the monsters that have taken up residence. It really just goes on and on here.
A group of magical girls trying to take over Hollywood, so they can spread hope that much faster. How do they stay anchored to the bonds of compassion that are their power in a world that's all about deception? If they lose, then they will fall to excess and base selfishness. But what if they win? Is the place already taken by the darkness? Does their entrance compel a response?
A group of conspiracy junkies uncovering the world shaped by the conflict between Sailor Moon and the Negaverse. It's a switcheroo game, but wow, do I want to see it become real.
2) The character creation system, and the emphasis on remaining anchored in the world. The game doesn't have hit points, it has hope points. And unlike HP, which has all those weird questions that axes tend to, hope points make sense. Attacks wear a target down, turn them to despair. They can remember what they're fighting for, get a second wind, but if they pull on it too hard, then it stops working. This frees up conflict to be anything, which the game happily points out.
3) The writing style. There are a few editing mistakes, but the tone is friendly and unashamed. Vital in a work like this, and very in keeping with the theme. The mechanics are clearly defined and consistently used. Very easy to pick up and read.
4) The game recognizes its versatility, and encourages its use. I suspect embrace the weird, page 61, will be very important for recruitment.
Things I didn't like
a) No example bond map. While the game is simple, it's also unlike most I've ever played, and the bond map is vital. An example with the sample characters at the end would make a very good appendix for the next edition.
b) The cover is wrong. Yes, it's a game about magical girls... but look at where rainbow hair is. It's a nondescript multicolored magical space. She's alone and divorced from reality. This isn't a game where that's good.
All in all, the most damning things I can say about this game are still that it's got me wondering who in my Pathfinder group of min-maxers would be up for a narrative game where everyone plays a magical girl to save the world.
Still glad I bought it.