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100 Oddities for a Thieves' Guild $0.99
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100 Oddities for a Thieves\' Guild
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100 Oddities for a Thieves' Guild
Publisher: Skirmisher Publishing
by Jeremy C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/02/2021 10:06:23

You walk into an empty room... ugh how boring! Now your GM can spice things up on the fly! Some great fun ideas in this book for sure.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
100 Oddities for a Thieves' Guild
Publisher: Skirmisher Publishing
by Jason A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/06/2018 15:37:52

Fun read, made me look over my shoulder more than once.

I'd love to see maps with some of these items from the Oddities, a dark guildhall, with a few alcoves of suspicious items or even people. This works real well if you have players willing to skirt around the laws of your setting and interested in testing their skills against other thieves in a great place filled with these oddities. Fun flavor but I wanted to see more of the fun illustrations of William Thrasher.

Stolen Pie Chart, a must buy for this alone.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
100 Oddities for a Thieves' Guild
Publisher: Skirmisher Publishing
by Tom H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/25/2017 20:38:37

All of the "Oddities" offerings from Skirmisher are awesome. They give GM's great ideas for random strangeness, intrigue and adventure that can be injected into a game campaign/setting. With some tweaking the oddities could even be adapted to an array of RPG settings. Great for plot and adventure hooks as well. Highly recommended.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
100 Oddities for a Thieves' Guild
Publisher: Skirmisher Publishing
by Christopher C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/10/2015 20:54:11

I am the type of GM that seldom has time to prepare ahead of time. I never know for sure when I will have the chance to run a game so when I do it is great to have some tools that help in my time of need. The 100 Oddities line is a great example of a handy, easy to use gaming product. This product is designed to be used with any era of gaming and none of the ideas are so off-the-wall as to make them non-inclusive.

All in all I really enjoy this product as well as the other 100 Oddities offering, 100 Oddities for an Old House. Although I feel they work best for a GM like myself I see them as working well for helping flesh out an adventure ahead of time or even as a way to add some flavor to a characters background.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
100 Oddities for a Thieves' Guild
Publisher: Skirmisher Publishing
by Michael S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/06/2015 13:22:08

This is a really fun item that can get your game creation moving in new directions and with added depth, like the Creepy House Oddities table list before it. I love these list generators. They're a super tool for GM prep. They're meant as embellishment lists, where the GM provides the main elements and the lists provide the window dressing, but there are so many stories that can branch from them you might need some time to reflect. You'll want to add the detail and background the entries deserve (especially those that deliberately pull in party members). There's a nice intro that suggests you can roll to it on the fly in a game, but if you work with it beforehand you can really create some great contexts. Not rolling against the table -- and just using it to build areas and ideas -- is a very real path to choose as several of the entries work so well together. My favorite entry that has given me the most ideas (and, like many of the items, whose reinterpretation is also useful in plenty of other contexts that have nothing to do with a guild setting) is entry 00, because it can change the meaning of all the other items before and after it is encountered.

What a fun list. I can see why we have a lot of great stuff to look forward to in this series.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
100 Oddities for a Thieves' Guild
Publisher: Skirmisher Publishing
by Eric F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/31/2015 01:48:19

Clint Staples and William T. Thrasher as well as the Skirmisher crew turn out another very interesting supplement on the 'pay what you want' scale. This one is really a must for any sword and sorcery DM. Seriously, this is one your not going to want to miss. Thieves guilds have been a staple of sword and sorcery ever since Fritz Leiber put type writer keys to paper back in the 40's. These organizations are the back bone of OD&D going back to when the thief class was first introduced and guilds have always been one of the most popular bits of adventures and PC's. This book gives you that extra interesting edge when exploring items found in that safe house,ware house, guild hall, or other area where the guild's members have trodden with their ill gotten gains. This book puts odd right into the center of the guilds. This book is filled with ten pages of high handed weirdness with items that can add that extra push into the zone of madness but its more then that. This pdf proves the DM with a nice set of items to encounter and add that special little bit of twisted humor and set dressing to use as a prime adventure hook. With a few tosses of the dice and suddenly you've filled that locker under the NPC's bed, the vault in the vile villains den, the chest out in the middle of that pox filled ruin, and so forth. The lists here are brisk, weird, and original enough to include in my favorite sword and sorcery games, this makes this particular list extra nice for a game such as Astonishing Swordsmen and Sorcerers of Hypborea where the thieves guild is such a part of the underworld of the setting but this isn't the only place in which that this list can be used. The items are truly unique and interesting, and with a bit of imagination could be used for everything from a Call of Cthulhu cult's head quarters to a museum as well as the standard fantasy menu The Skirmisher crew knows their material and this is another product where they've went out of their way to bring a sense of the original and strange into back drop of these lists. With a bit of work this list could be used to create a quick and dirty warehouse space in anything from ancient Rome to Cimmeria itself. Or it could be used in a more modern police warehouse sort of evidence catch basin for investigators to look for vital clues for a horror style investigation adventure. Is this pdf worth your time? In a word in my opinion yes. Because it sets off to really add another layer of tools to a part of a DM's palette that's needed; the devil being in the details of what's found and what's used by a party. Not everything needs to be +4 sword of sharpness. Sometimes a smoking bottle of demonic essence left from a magical duel will draw your party deeper into the doorway of adventure. Basically this is a nice solid and vital piece of old school gaming goodness that your going to be using again and again to generate more treasures, adventure opportunities, loot, and most of all fun items that will have adventurers wandering down new and exciting pathways of adventure and plots involving the local thieves guild and its members. All in all this is an essential book for anyone wanting to add another layer to their DMing of a life of crime and making their PC's pay for it one odd random item at a time.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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