I was surprised with the quality of this product. I didn't really know what to expect but I was very pleasantly surprised. I greatly encourage you to put a little money down if you currently or would like to use Cults in your game. You will not be disappointed.
There are a total of 12 tables that you roll percentile dice upon to generate your cult. Most tables require multiple rules, drawing results from different lists of results. For example, on Table 02 you are designing a Cult Symbol. You roll a total of 5 times to determine Descriptor, Symbol, Position, Descriptor, Embellishment. Bestial Hand Behind a Broken Spiral is an example of a Cult Symbol rolled on the table. The 12 tables are;
Table 01 - Cult Name Generator
2 rolls: 1st Half Of Name, 2nd Half Of Name
Example: Antinomian of the Limitless
Table 02 - Cult Symbol
5 rolls: Descriptor, Symbol, Position, Descriptor, Embellishment
Example: Bleeding Hand Above an Inverted Sword
Table 03 - The Cult Worships a ...
2 rolls: Descriptor, Entity
Example: Unnamable Darkness
Table 04 - Cult Leader Title
2 Rolls: Honorific, Title
Example: Transubstantiated Hierophant
Table 05 - Cult Leader Identity
1 Roll: Actual Identity
Example: Inquisitor with a Complicated Plan
Table 06 - Favored Weapon
2 Rolls: Material, Weapon Type
Example: Living Shadow Bare Hands
Table 07 - Site of Worship
5 Rolls: Descriptor, Type, Position, Atmosphere, Location
Example: Desecrated Shrine Atop Mist-Shrouded Ruin
Table 08 - Cult Attire
3 Rolls: Color, Clothing, Material
Example: Purple Blindfolds Human Skin
Table 09 - The Cult has Infiltrated ...
1 Roll: Group (note there are two tables, one for fantasy, another for modern)
Example: Alchemists (fantasy) or Liberal Politicians (modern)
Table 10 - Sacred Cult Relics
3 Rolls: Descriptor, Type, Background
Example: Masterwork Reliquary (Contains a Dead God’s Soul)
Table 11 - Revenge!
Roll 1: Act of Vengeance
Example: Vermin Swarms
Table 12 - Cult's Goal
Roll 1: Goal
Example: Return the World to Its Primal State
As you can see there are some really nice options in here. I haven't included this but each table has a nice description regarding the significance of that table. I can see myself rolling up a cult in 5 minutes that will be really easy to develop in play. As with all generators, if you're not much into the random generation aspect of the product, the lists of options themselves are extremely thought provoking. A simple skimming of the options could give you creative jolt you need to develop a cult that you really care about.
I highly recommend this product.