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Cast of Cards: Freebie Pack 1 (Fantasy)
Publisher: Warning Label
by Mike P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/25/2014 11:25:29

Excellent idea. Why did no-one come up with this before? One-glance mooks and wild cards. Clear, easy to read and very useful.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Cast of Cards: Freebie Pack 1 (Fantasy)
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Map of Arthur's Britain
Publisher: First Age Entertainment
by Mike P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/23/2013 11:21:06

Great overview of Arthur's Britain. I'm not sure how accurate it is, and a little more detail with additional towns of note would be nice. My biggest problem, however, is the sheer size of the file. 69 MB for a one-page image pdf is way over the top. I'm sure it could be reduced to 1/10th that!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Map of Arthur's Britain
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Creator Reply:
You're right about the file size being overly large. I've found a way to reduce it to 3.73MB, which is much more reasonable.
100 numbers between 1 and 100, Inclusive
Publisher: Troll in the Corner
by Mike P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/06/2012 11:01:08

Wow. I really don't know how I managed to GM before I bought this. Of all the "100" products out there (100 Whittled Wooden Toys, 100 Embroidery Patterns, 100 Esoteric Ways To Sneeze), this is easily my favourite! Kudos to the writers for coming up with this innovative list to (hopefully) end all lists ;)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
100 numbers between 1 and 100, Inclusive
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The Ancible Magazine Issue 15
Publisher: AKR Productions Limited
by Mike P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/13/2012 01:59:16

Ok, I don't know why this (free) magazine has never hit my radar, but this is solid gold. I felt like I was reading an 80's White Dwarf with new stuff in it. Their avowed aim is "to introduce YOU to the games you don’t yet know", which is something that they achieved well with 4 in depth, well written and informative reviews (Cutlass, Star Trek Expeditions, Strange Aeons Expansions and Rogue Trader) and a solid interview. The only things missing from a WD were the scenarios and articles, but that's not what they're about and so it can't be held against them. Lots of great miniatures artwork and some useful ads and contacts help round it off. Well worth the read - a real nostalgia trip, but with new stuff. And did I mention it's free? (By the way Magazine Team, you could do yourselves a favour by briefly listing the contents on the article page here, it would help people to know where you're at)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Ancible Magazine Issue 15
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The Adventure Creation Handbook
Publisher: rpgGM
by Mike P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/10/2011 15:17:27

My first impression of this handbook was 'ok, interesting, but nothing new'. At several points I found myself thinking 'well yes, I do that anyway', but hadn't analysed why I did it or how they might fit into a process. Whilst it's true that most of the components are probably part of the well-versed GM's normal repertoire, Cherie puts them all together in an elegant way that has been feeding my brain at conscious and subconscious levels ever since I bought it. She has assembled the elements of adventure creation; gathering ideas, asking questions, gathering the results together in the form of events and then, finally, writing the adventure in clear, easy to follow steps. The example she uses puts the whole together in an easy to see manner. The bottom line is that I've bought lots of interesting stuff here over the last couple of years, some of which I will use parts of, some of which will gather dust on my hard-drive. I will definitely be using this. 4.5/5

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Adventure Creation Handbook
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Publisher: The Le Games
by Mike P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/09/2010 00:34:37

I've only just started reading Vikings, but am impressed by the author's thoroughness and familiarity with the norse setting. What I was looking for was a book of source materials so that I could flesh out my non-d20 norse setting, and I got exactly that and more from Vidar Solaas' well researched and historically-based book.

As well as several norse-specific character classes there are typical monsters, new spells, typical skills & feats, equipment and the lot - everything and more than I was looking for.

It's all got a wonderfully gritty and down-to-earth feel to it and I'm looking forward to getting through it and adapting it to my Dragon Warriors Legend setting. I chose this book over two others with similar content simply because it was the cheapest of the three. Without having seen the others, I suspect I made the right choice!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Spells & Magic v3.0
Publisher: Bastion Press
by Mike P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/24/2010 05:25:55

First off: d20 is not my gaming system of choice. I'm a Dragon Warriors man. Dragon Warriors is part rule-system, part campaign setting, the latter being a rich pseudo European medieval world called Legend. But I'm not reviewing Dragon Warriors.

Spells and Magic v3.0 is rich in that it provides 9 new magical rationales including a nice take on rune magic, which is what I was looking for in the first place. Not only are they easily compatible with the existing magic rules, they are beautifully explained and rationally thought out. Dragon magic depends on the size of the dragon's hoard (size DOES matter!). Mirror magic uses shiny surfaces as spell storage devices. Blood magic requires the caster to sacrifice some of his own red juice, etc. All of it fits perfectly into my medieval setting. I can't wait to unleash a soul gem on my unsuspecting players.

Add the new feats, spells and magic items and you've got enough to revolutionise, rationalise and romanticise the way your players look at magic. I'll definitely be looking out for more products from this publisher.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Spells & Magic v3.0
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Fantasy Heroes Set
Publisher: Arion Games
by Mike P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/19/2010 16:16:35

Great detail, and certainly MUCH more value for money than 3D figures.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Fantasy Heroes Set
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