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Spells & Magic v3.0
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Spells & Magic v3.0
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Spells & Magic v3.0
Publisher: Bastion Press
by Mike P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/24/2010 05:25:55

First off: d20 is not my gaming system of choice. I'm a Dragon Warriors man. Dragon Warriors is part rule-system, part campaign setting, the latter being a rich pseudo European medieval world called Legend. But I'm not reviewing Dragon Warriors.

Spells and Magic v3.0 is rich in that it provides 9 new magical rationales including a nice take on rune magic, which is what I was looking for in the first place. Not only are they easily compatible with the existing magic rules, they are beautifully explained and rationally thought out. Dragon magic depends on the size of the dragon's hoard (size DOES matter!). Mirror magic uses shiny surfaces as spell storage devices. Blood magic requires the caster to sacrifice some of his own red juice, etc. All of it fits perfectly into my medieval setting. I can't wait to unleash a soul gem on my unsuspecting players.

Add the new feats, spells and magic items and you've got enough to revolutionise, rationalise and romanticise the way your players look at magic. I'll definitely be looking out for more products from this publisher.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Spells & Magic v3.0
Publisher: Bastion Press
by Spencer C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/13/2004 00:00:00

Still, IMO, the best 3e supplement for magic out there. Has about 10 different "magic sub-systems" that are easily implemented and add lots of flavor to a game such as "Mirror Magic, Gem Magic, Rune Magic" and more. Also has lots of spells for all classes, not just Wizards or Clerics. Since the text is Open Game Content, a valuable resource for publishers. Thumbs up to Bastion! :-)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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