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What can you say about a set of crates, barrels and chests? You can never have enough luggage. This is a must have set for war-gamers, RPG-ers, and card modellers. You need an objective, a storyline or even a nice bit cover to hide your minis behind, a stack of crates or similar item is the ideal solution. There are a lot of similar items on the market, and I have most of them, so what makes Fat Dragon's offering so useful? Two things compelled me to buy this set. The first is the multiples, the single crates and barrels are useful and realistic but this set includes clusters of barrels and stacks of crates. This represents a great time saver in construction and table set up without any obvious loss of detail. The second innovation, which will be more useful to the RPG-ers, is the design of the chests. In most cargo collections trunks and chests are all modelled closed or with the contents near the surface. Tom at Fat Dragon has gone a step further and included separate detailed bottoms for the open chests. You get the illusion of depth and a picture of items that could be useful to your characters. A lovely little set that should be useful for all kinds of figure based games. Highly recommended, even if you already loads are cargo in your collections.
As ruins go, this is probably the most useful in the Dave Graffam catalogue. Of the variants offered in the kit, both as editable PDF and "prepared versions", I chose the red brick and printed on A5 to make the model compatible with 15mm Flames of War. As an older model, the instructions are very basic, a couple of colour pictures and a list of instructions. Don't let this put you off as Dave always prints any useful information on the tabs of the model. As with any ruined building, it is advisable to laminate over card or, if you're building at full size (30mm Scale), foamboard. I would also recommend running a black marker over the edges. A great benefit of Dave's ruins collection is the inclusion of floors and other internals, as this allows you to place models in the building. Highly recommended.
Ruined buildings were a first for me but the bombed house was an ideal introduction. Although this model looks complex, it is actually relatively easy and will make an excellent addition to any layout. This was one of the items I specifically chose to scale down for Flames of War. Even half size, the pieces went together easily and there was no discernible loss of detail or realism. The only real difficulty with this model, as compared compared to Dave's "pristine" Fantasy/Historical buildings is the large amount of exposed edges. For best results, I would advise going over every exposed edge with a black marker.
Another versatile model from Glenn at Finger and Toe. Although intended as an add-on to Tango Prime, ( the base will fit on a Tango Prime Core building) the Comm Array should work equally well with any Spaceport or radar station. Eight pages of easy to follow instructions are followed by a further five of nicely detailed pieces. Construction is pretty straghtforward with option of pivots to make the dish swivel and tilt. For those who like grand scale this model certainly fits the bill at Eight inches high. If you have Tango Prime, this is a superb addition. If you don't, get it anyway.
This is an excellent model for both fantasy and historical gamers. Very well detailed, if a little tricky due to the complex arrangement of support beams and stairs. The French instructions are a little daunting, if you don't have a great command of French, but the pictures are clear and easy to follow. I would have preferred the instructions in PDF format and the final build pictures a little more defined. In some pictures it is difficult to see which parts have been whitened out, to indicate they have yet to be added. The edging on the base is a great benefit to those of us who struggle to cut foamboard neatly. All things considered, this model will make a great addition to a Dragonshire or Dave Graffam collection. Highly recommended.
Another lovely model from Dave. The perfect addition to any harbour setting, It would nicely as part of a warehouse district too. Initially I found it a little daunting as it incorporates features I hadn't previously attempted, like the support beams under the crane dormer. The new detailed instructions are a god-send, as they clearly show how every step is done, complete with photos and modelling tips. Normally I would object to the ink usage but I can only applaud Dave for making life a lot easier. Every part fitted together nicely and I was able to complete this model in three hours from printing with no loss of quality. The base needs some care to ensure a good fit of the side panels. The hole for the crane arm should cut out very carefully with a sharp knife to ensure a good fit and hook is very tricky to cut out. That being said, even a novice should be able to make of good job of this one. As extra bonus, you get a 15mm version ready to print on a single page. If you never build another DGM model, which I doubt, build this one.
An excellent model. Although quite large and beautifully detailed, even for 28mm, the Watch Station was not as complex as first appeared. Broken down into its component parts this impressive model is very easy to build. Covering a total of seven pages, including the base, it is formed from two large box sections and a lot of add-ons. In typical Dave Graffam style, the tabs are as large as practical for each part and all clearly labelled. The fifteen page instruction manual, by Jerry Jensen, makes this model simple and easy to build even for a novice. If two different colour schemes are not enough for your needs, a layered version is supplied, vastly expanding the possibilities. Whether you need a science station, a planetary base HQ or even a futuristic police station, this model should fit your needs. My advice is, buy this model now and build one for every scenario.
"Mud has been the mother of architecture" is the tag line on this set. In which case, Adobeville is the mother of terrain building sets. The first thing you notice is the sheer number of variations possible with the optional parts. A roof parapet, a dome, and two Spanish style roofs are all included as add-ons to the basic flat roof. At ground level four and six inch height walls are possible, plus a section with a small gateway. External steps are included and Glenn has even thrown in a Kiva (well). Whether you set your games in Asia, Latin America, Africa, the Carribean, Southern Spain or even in a galaxy far away, Adobeville has something for you. It's that versatile before you start considering the conversion potential. Construction is reasonably easy, using the modular, girder and wall block system devised for Slum City. You build four support girders, simple boxes, and glue them in the corners of of floor panel. Then build four wall sections, more simple boxes. The wall sections slide in between the girders, allowing you change or remove them at will. A roof with corner brackets attached, almost as easy to make as the floor, drops over the finished module. You can use the corner brackets to stack the modules or add a more decorative roof. If you want expand sideways, you simply place two modules touching together. Quick, easy and versatile. Could you possibly ask for more?
Just when you thought it was safe to go back to the wargames table. Glenn Williams at Finger and Toe Models has done it again. Bel's Kitty was a big scary tank with the option of a platoon sized APC. The Big Guns gave you the option of taking on even bigger tanks or levelling bunkers. Sometimes you need to take a step back from the action. That's when you need Fire Support. Bel's Kitty: Fire Support gives you two replacement turrets for your favourite supertank. For close support artillery, you get a fully detailed quick firing heavy howitzer. For air defence, you get gatling guns and missiles in the same automatic turret. As Glenn points out, in the typical background blurb, if you have the Strekoza and Vulture gunships, you probably won't need air defence. Don't let that deter you from getting this upgrade. Those gatling guns are perfect for dug in positions that you dont want to pound to dust with your assault guns. Again the instructions are straight forward and the parts simple enough for the most clumsy to handle. Fire Support rounds off the KV12 family, until Glenn has another crazy idea for an upgrade. A must have for the SF tanker
As if the KV12 "Bel's Kitty" supertank is not a scary enough prospect on the games table, Glenn at Finger and Toe has produced a mean upgrade. Bel's Kitty: Big Guns is not a standalone product but a very useful add-on. This is not a bad thing. I use cardstock models partly for the economic prices. If I was buying a resin tank model and wanted the assault gun version or the tank destroyer, I'd have to buy two, or more, expensive models. With the KV12, you buy the tank, which you can build in one of four colourschemes. If desired you can miss off the turret for a huge APC. This kit gives you all the parts needed to upgrade the APC version to Tank Destroyer or Assault Gun. It is a multi layer PDF, allowing you to preset the colours to match your tanks. The instructions are very simple to follow and include the usual "in character" introduction. If you liked Bel's Kitty, you should buy this upgrade. If you're looking for serious armoured muscle for your forces, add the three Bel's Kitty products to your cart. At $12 for all three PDFs you can have the toughest tank force on the block.
Another beautifully detailed but easy to build model from Glenn Williams at Finger and Toe. If your SF gaming tends towards Hammer's Slammers, this is the supertank for you. Easy to build with a choice of add-ons, turning it into a very potent piece of hardware. At an impressive 6inches by 7, it's big but not unmanageable. APC and tank variants are possible with basic kit. Bel's Kitty is excellent value for money and comes in four useful colour schemes. In common with other Finger and Toe models, gaming notes and an optional back story are part of the easy to follow instructions. If all this does not tempt you, a low priced upgrade is available to convert your KV-12 into an Assault Gun.
The modelling guide is a superbly put together generic instruction book and a must for card modellers. The pictures are clear and easy to follow, making the precise and informative text a bonus. Although all the models featured are, of course, Dave Graffam, this superb little booklet is truly universal. If it were not available as a freebee, I'd happily buy this for $$$. Before you buy another card model, get this guide.
My favourite of the slagtown series. Junkyard is not so much a model kit but a very desireable bits box. Excellent conversion material
A highly versatile addition to the slagtown series. I particularly liked the quikfort sections although they needed a little conversion to create a comprehensive fort system. This proved a minor problem as the basic Eden set provides all the neccesary parts
A superb set with great conversion potential. More of a "constructor" package than an actual model. The instructions took a little time to understand but the vast range of alternative makes this a highly desireable addition to any terrain set.