I liked this product, since i would say it adds a lot to the Scout profession. I actually prefer the orignal books to the newer Mongoose versions, but again that is personal preference. Quality of the document is very good.
A useful tileset pack, although i cant say i was all that impressed with the adventure itself. I'm not a huge fan of "dark" adventures, although i know some can turn that way. Again, useful tileset.
I thought this was useful since it gives a decent layout to work with for a building or buildings. Quality was pretty good. I would say this would be a good addition.
For anyone wondering what 2300 AD is all about, this isnt a bad item to pick up just to look at. It would have been nice if the background and a bit of history were included, but at least it tells you what items are out there for 2300.
The Sector Atlases are one of the few things in Space Opera (besides the base rules) that i think were done well. Lots of history, good development of the background some ideas for scenarios and campaigns. It would have been nice if there had actually been some more solid adventure seeds, but with the detailed history of each planet, as well as a layout of the Quadrant as well, i wouldnt really say that it was a big deal.
Generic geomorphic map, but i like the fact that it can be used as a setting for an alien derelict spaceship. Can't fault it on price. I'd recommend this just for the fact that you can mix and match the tile setup.
Generic, although i liked how the focus was on only one character with six potential story lines. As a free product, this isnt a bad idea generator.
Very generic and really not something that any GM needs. It might be useful to someone completely stuck, but it really wasnt anything that i think i need in my campaign.
Again, another very generic set of data that i really could have lived without. I bought it hoping that it would provide me some more ideas, but in the end it really didnt.
This one was pretty generic, like all of the products in this category are. Not bad, just not really anything that i needed to have.
The price isnt bad, especially when bought in a bundle, but i just didnt really see that there was anything more than a generic generator here. I used it once or twice but just really didnt see any long term value in it. If you need it, i would suggest buying it as part of the bundle. Just don't expect it to be all that.
This bundle was fairly disappointing overall in terms of the material that was presented. It did have some decent items in here, but nothing that struck me as a "must have" item or idea.
I cant really knock this product because i love full color pictures of the worlds that the players encounter. Someone took a lot of time and care creating these images and i think they add color to any campaign.
I really like the idea here of providing a summary of the rules for the T20 version of Traveller. While by no means a full set of rules, i did enjoy getting to understand how the system worked and get a flavor of how it played.
I'm not too keen on the T20 version, but the detail and information provided is enough for anyone to get started using this ruleset. Quality is very good for the pdf as a whole and i think that this is a good jumping off point for anyone that wants to do something a little bit different in the Traveller universe.
For a free item, this was kind of a neat departure from the norm. I liked the idea of audio enhancements, although to be honest i wish there had been more to this.
That being said, the idea is still pretty cool.