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Evolution of Apex (Adventure for AMP: Year One)

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Evolution of Apex (Adventure for AMP: Year One)
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Evolution of Apex (Adventure for AMP: Year One)
Publisher: Third Eye Games
by Thomas B. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 04/11/2015 00:23:43

Nothing shady about a mysterious organization recruiting AMPs in the name of SCIENCE~! and research, right? And when a patient goes missing, the PCs get the call...what could go wrong?


  • A little less universal utility than Attack of the Buzz. While far from rigid, the entry points are just a little less open - and thus a little less likely to fit any and all characters - than the first adventure.

  • A pair of intriguing setting developments: An AMP whose powers mutate over time, and a human genetic experiment on par with an AMP.

  • No new mechanical crunchy bits like augments.

  • The adventure is actually very wide open. Little points that can be expanded upon by the GM to fit the mood they want, and the PCs' decisions have a huge impact on the ending and the repercussions that follow.

  • The bad guys have the potential to be truly scary, and far reaching, depending on how the PCs handle them.

  • Again, original art is commissioned for the adventure, and it sets the tone nicely.

While this one is going to be a touch harder to fit into every campaign than Attack of the Buzz, I like it a bit more, as it allows the GM a little more flexibility than a lot of written adventures, something I truly appreciate, complete with advice on how to carry these threads out of the adventure and back into your regular campaign.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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