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Unholy Land
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Unholy Land
Publisher: Garske Games
by Michael P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/16/2019 07:53:56

I do like the idea, and the examples shown in the booklet. But it feels a bit light around the corners with quite a bit of work by the DM to fill in the fluff. I think some of the old AD&D supllements would help quite a bit, like the Crusaders splat book from 2e (which covers quite a bit of the region, admittedly in a slightly different time) or the Testament campaign setting. I would also generously add creepy content from the V:DA books. One of the pitfalls I can also see for these settings, is that the invented history line (and who is good/evil) will be controversial to some.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Unholy Land
Publisher: Garske Games
by Bob H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/29/2015 04:46:17

A concise Hex crawl of momentous events . I like it a great deal . It has stats for baby Jesus , Joseph and Mary Jesus mom . Romans , undead , vampires ,demons and ghouls . Well worth picking it up a great product all round .

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Unholy Land
Publisher: Garske Games
by Steven W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/05/2015 15:40:12

Website ate my first review.. to summarize..Dragons, Undead armies, invading Fish Men...

Good product, borderline great... perhaps a bit blasphemous but not vulgar or gratuitous.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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