Of all the retro clones we tried. My groups and I prefer this one (Okay, Whitebox Fantastic Medieval Adventure Game is our second best!). But Basic has more meat than Whitebox. BF does a great old school job and has everything you need in one book. There are supplements of course, but personally we find the Equipment Emporium to be the best of these as we prefer to keep rules and other books to a minimum.
The bad... (Only my personal opinion or my tastes of course!)
Everything else other than the human has darkvision which IMO kills the dungeon crawling factor, I find darkvision OP and makes the need for torches, lanterns and light spells a joke!
Thief skills instead of % should be set to 1d6 since pretty much everything else is done with 1d6, like... Forcing open a door, roll 1d6. Look for something, roll 1d6. Listen, roll 1d6 etc. You get the idea. I think the universal use of 1d6 for all these tests would further simplify this simple game. What is also strange is that many other tests rely heavily on saving throws or some things such as again dealing with doors may require rolling 1d10 or even 1d20 in some special cases, which is so odd. These rules seem strange and all over the place even though I understand that the goal of Basic Fantasy is to emulate the rules of old.
That being said, the "bad stuff" above is easily corrected with house rules.
The good...
The rules are simple and quick to use. (Even considering my personal nitpicking!) They simulate old school well. It's hard to be an adventurer, you're not super heroes here.
We love that the game stays true to the basics (pun intended!). What I mean by this is... The game just uses the four classic classes (Cleric, Fighter, Thief, Magic-user) and the same with the races (Human, Dwarf, Elf and Halfling). There's nothing wrong with playing with other classes and or races (Everyone has their favorites!), but for the core book it's good to just have the basics so we don't have to remove stuff too much.
There are no setting in this book. (Some may see this as a negative) I don't because it allows us to use whatever campaign setting we prefer. For me, that's one of its biggest strengths.
The book is well formatted and clear, easy to flip through and to find things. After a while, it becomes second nature.
The game is easily accessible, that is, it is easy to find PDFs or physical copies. The PDFs are all free, and the copies are so cheap you can buy them for your whole gaming group and spend less than a single D&D book.
The whole thing shows passion and dedication, it feels like a real labor of love, which is rare these days. This game is not meant to take money from you, it is meant to entertain you with endless fun and adventures ahead. You can't beat that! Other books in the old school fantasy genre may look prettier, get more hype, etc., but they'll never hug you the way Basic Fantasy does.