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John Kapsalis Female Characters
Publisher: Arion Games
by Ken F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/08/2017 11:35:43

This is an excellent set of minis. The figures are varied and unique and most of the minis would be equally well suited for either PC or NPC characters in a fantasy game. Mr. Kapsalis exhibits a knack for expressive drawings that fill the individual miniatures with personality, a characteristic frequently lacking in figures that are going to be 1.5 inches tall on your game table.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
John Kapsalis Female Characters
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Wrap Your Mummy
Publisher: Spare Change Games
by Ken F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/25/2016 11:55:10

Wrap Your Mummy is a simple, but entertaining card game for up to six players. The mechanics are pretty straighforward: draw a card, play a card. The strategy comes from trying to manage the wrappings of your mummy. Get your Mummy wrapped too soon and you become the target of the other players. Wait too long and the game can come to an abrupt end with your mummy still unfinished. The random element of the vizier's arrival, as represented by four cards shuffled into the deck, forces the player to try and get the most out of each turn of play. If there is a drawback to the game, it is that while it is entertaining to play, the random nature of the vizier and the ability of the other players to disrupt your wrapped mummy make it very difficult to win.

The art and card design are very good, probably the best from Spare Change Games to date.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Wrap Your Mummy
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Creator Reply:
Thanks for the comprehensiveness of your review! It is always great to see such a full and honest response! While the game can be difficult in head to head play, the new co-operative play option can allow more mummies to get wrapped! The challenge is then: How many can you get wrapped successfully before that feisty Vizier arrives?
John Kapsalis Villagers
Publisher: Arion Games
by Ken F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/09/2015 10:51:27

I am extremely pleased with this new set. The set of villagers includes a wide range of figures all of whom have a place in most fantasy villages. The art is evocative and I have already found myself trying to find ways to incorporate the personalities I see in these figures into my upcoming fantasy campaign.

A previous review was disappointed by the shadow backs of these figures. I do not share that sentiment. Instead, I would counter that the price of $2.50 (even less right now as a part of the Arion Sale) for 32 unique figures is a very good value.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
John Kapsalis Villagers
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Thrilling Tales Adventure Deck (Savage Worlds)
Publisher: Adamant Entertainment
by Ken F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/09/2014 11:01:53

These high quality cards make a wonderful addition to your Thrilling Tales (or really any pulp-style Savage Worlds game) campaign. Much of the art is seemingly pulled from old pulp magazine covers and lends perfect detail to the card effects. Most of the deck replicates previous adventure decks, so GMs will not be too surprised by anything the players may be dealt. Other cards are tweaked slightly for clarity and/or to ramp up the pulpy flavor.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Thrilling Tales Adventure Deck (Savage Worlds)
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TimeZero: Operative`s Manual.
Publisher: GRAmel
by Ken F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/26/2013 01:18:02

Umberto Pignatelli (Beasts and Barbarians) knows how to write material that honors Savage World's motto of "Fast, Furious, and Fun." TimeZero is a good example of this. There have been a lot of Time Travel games over the years that have had either bogged down in justifying the "science" of time travel or put so much detail into the historical aspects that is stops being a game. TimeZero walks that fine line pretty well, giving a plausible time travel method and permission to make the history just as detailed or loose as the gaming group wants it to be.

New Savage Worlds material is often made or broken by the new edges and hindrances offered for the specific game world. This material in TimeZero is a real area of strength. The edges seem to avoid the power creep that plagues some other third party SW material, but still manage to impart flavor to the game and many of them seem to be the kinds of things that will elicit "Ooooh, Cool!" reactions from the players in my group. Likewise, many of the hindrances would lend themselves to the creation of interesting and unique characters.

Likewise, the world that Pignatelli has created is both complete and leaves plenty of room for players to be important movers and shakers. The central enemies in the game are loosely defined enough to allow for variety, while still providing a specific threat. The addition of limited parallel worlds, rogue time travelers, and alien enemies gives the Game Master plenty of variety for enemies as well.

The quibbles here are pretty minor. There are a number of awkward phrasings that seem to stem from translation problems, and in at least a couple of places specifically mentioned historical events are wrong (although some of these may be typos: Charles Lindbergh's plane was the Spirit of St. Louis, not St. Luis). For gamers who are also history buffs, and one would presume that would be a significant group to whom this game would appeal, these kinds of mistakes could be distractions.

Overall, this game is a very welcome addition to the SW fold. My rating would actually be 4.5 if we could give half stars. I look forward to additional material in this line.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
TimeZero: Operative`s Manual.
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Castles & Crusades Town of Kalas
Publisher: Troll Lord Games
by Ken F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/14/2013 17:17:13

I am not a Castles and Crusades player, but I am always on the lookout for good material to entertain my players. The town of Kalas is a location that makes me want to use it, regardless of the system. The volume of fun, immediately usable ideas that Mr. Kidd has packed into eighty pages is remarkable. Interesting locations, nifty NPCs, and some unusual setting material all combine into a product that is well worth the investment.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Castles & Crusades Town of Kalas
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Dungeon Bash Core Set
Publisher: Arion Games
by Ken F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/21/2012 18:33:35

Another Great Arion Set. In fact, this is probably the best set they offer for the DM either looking to see what Arion has to offer or for variety.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Dungeon Bash Core Set
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Snakemen Set
Publisher: Arion Games
by Ken F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/08/2012 17:50:16

Yet another great set of inexpensive paper miniatures from Arion Games. The variation of poses and weaponry make even the similarly colored Warrior figures stand out uniquely.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Snakemen Set
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