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Rocket Age - The Trail of the Scorpion $9.99
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Rocket Age - The Trail of the Scorpion
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Rocket Age - The Trail of the Scorpion
Publisher: Why Not Games
by David N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/20/2014 06:07:16

This campaign book is excellent, incredibly meaty and just plain fun. The overarching threat of the Red Scorpion feels incredible and really unites all the very different missions.

It also acts as a tour of the Solar System, taking you to some very exotic locales and introducing a huge variety of new creatures, people and technology. The ever-present story hooks are as interesting as ever of course and even include the possibility of exploring the truth behind CS Lewis' greatest work.

I really recommend this book even to those who aren't a fan of pre-made campaigns. Even if you only took parts from various adventures I think your money would be well spent.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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