If you've owned a cat, you've wondered what the hell it is they do all day and night. Neil Gaiman has touched on the role cats play in defending our homes (The Price), now this game takes that idea and runs with it, screaming, into the night.
The quality of this product is outstanding. Art is excellent throughout, layout is clean and easy on the eye - as you'd expect from an Evil Hate FATE product. You've got the Parliament of Cats (an idea so wonderful it's worth the price of admission alone), feline sorcery (from which we learn just why it is we find those dead birds and mice around our houses). You've got a complete setting and starter scenario. And all in 48 pages. It really shows just how powerful and flexible the FATE system is that you can pack this much stuff into such a small package without compromising on, well, anything.
Oh and us humans? We're merely burdens.
Long and short, this is a 48-page gem. If you're supporting this on Patreon you've got a few pages of extra content that flesh a couple of things out: some sources of inspiration from literature, film, and TV; some random tables for generating everything from your cat itself through to the scenario you're going to play (and the fantastic "What stupid thing did my Burden do now?" table which includes entries like "Adopted a Stray Dog (that turned out to be evil)" and "Shared Personal Info Online"). Nice touch about the add-on? Page numbering continues straight from this product here.
Apparently, Evil Hat are working to bring this one to print and it might even get expanded further.
When my current 13th Age game comes to an end, I'm running this.