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Darkly Through the Labyrinth $4.95
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Darkly Through the Labyrinth
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Darkly Through the Labyrinth
Publisher: Abstract Nova Entertainment
by Christopher D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/04/2022 02:17:00

This is one of the best RPG concepts I have ever seen crippled by one of the worst systems I have ever seen. It's not outright broken, but having skill improvment linked 1 to 1 for successes and failures is a horrible choice, let alone the insult that is villain creation (which I won't spoil in case anyone wants to play it)

If the concept intrigues you, read the first 2 chapters. They are largely worthwhile. Outside of that, discard the rest. Run this concept with something like Delta Green or world of Darkness.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
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